Special Chapter 3 : The Star, The Sun, and The Moon (PART 1)

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Summary :

Joong, an alpha, have two serious problems:
One; he has an attachment issue with his beautiful and gorgeous human being named Dunk Natachai who happens to be his five months pregnant husband; and two, his husband said that they will have three babies at the same time. It feels like his pregnancy hormones are multiplied three times.
And now Joong have another serious problem, make it three:
His pregnant husband is three times hornier than he was before.


A year after their wedding ceremony in Germany, Dunk ran into him with a pregnancy kit in his hand. Joong still remembers clearly how Dunk looked at him that night, his eyes' were lit up and he smiled so brightly. He radiated only happiness from his face.

"Joong! I'm pregnant!"

Joong was frozen in his feet, looking blankly at Dunk who was laughing at his reaction. Did that news make Joong feel happy? He was more than that, he felt everything at the same time that made him can't think properly. After so long, after more than three years, he was given a chance to be a father again for his and Dunk's child.

"Oh, gosh, baby, you are crying!"

He remembered how he cried hard while hugging his husband that night. It felt like a miracle for him. They were waiting for this a whole year. Right after they held their wedding, Joong and Dunk decided that it's the right time to try again to have a child. So, Dunk stopped consuming his contraceptive pills. In the next one year, Dunk was surely having their heat and so did Joong with his rut. But their timing was never matched. Either Dunk's heat came first or Joong's rut came after that. Until a month ago when they both suddenly felt sick and the next day, they both fell into heat and rut at the same time.

But this time was different, even though they faced their heat and rut, they didn't completely lose their mind and control of their bodies. Their reconciliation with their inner alpha and inner omega may be the reason behind it. One month later, big news came to them.

Dunk was finally pregnant, again.

As if his attachment for his beautiful omega wasn't big enough, Joong faced another big problem after Dunk announced his pregnancy. He couldn't really have a moment in his life when he didn't see Dunk Natachai on his side. He couldn't be separated from his soulmate and it's not only because he was such a protective alpha or something. It's bigger than that.

When Dunk wasn't in his sight, he felt so restless and worried. He felt like something could happen and he couldn't do anything again. The feeling was too big, it choked him. So he reached the conclusion that he needed to be with Dunk 24/7. When he communicated this to his pregnant husband a month after his pregnancy, an understanding was formed in his husband's beautiful face. Joong was worried if Dunk could take this as a sign of Joong's alpha protectiveness that went beyond the tolerable amount. But no, he understood something Joong wasn't aware of yet until he talked to Dunk.

"Your mind still remembers the pain of your past traumatic events, Joong. That's the reason why you feel that way toward me."

Even though it took forever for him, Joong was sure that he wouldn't ever forget how it was for him to see his only partner in this life facing a near-death situation and he couldn't do anything about it. He wouldn't ever forget the feeling of losing Dunk that came to him not only one time when they were both a child, but almost three times in total. Joong was already healed from that trauma, but it didn't mean that he forgot about it. His mind will forever record the pain and he could act accordingly to respond to it. How Joong acted right now was the output of his past trauma, and it's totally okay. Dunk understood it fully.

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