The Blue Star

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Flashes of lightning illuminate the gods' wood. Rhaenyra makes attempts to breathe through the pain, but it's crippling. Unlike anything she's ever felt. Not to mention, sitting in the rain doesn't help much. With Ser Harwin and Ser Laenor by her side holding her hands, she feels a bit safer. "PRINCESS!" yelled from the distance. Maids, midwives, and maesters running through the storm to assist in delivering the babe. Apparently, word has already spread of the Princess Rhaenyras labors. Some are saying the storm is a bad omen. That the Princess is cursed for her sins against the gods'. And the gods want their revenge. How fitting some said that she should pay for her wrongs at the base of the weirwood tree. Some time has passed, and everyone is now soaked while aiding the Princesses' delivery. "The birth is progressing quickly, your highness. Push once more!" a maesters says while grasping the baby's head. Footsteps that seem to be running towards them caught the attention of Ser Harwin and Ser Laenor. It was the King. Accompanied by his wife, Queen Alicent. The King worried for his daughter disregards his wife's pleas and pulls to keep him out of the horrid weather, fear his health will suffer furthermore. "Your grace. The birth is progressing -" the maester suddenly cut off by a crack of thunder and the screams of the Princess. The babe is coming, indeed. It seems the storm for a moment gets worse. A few trees have fallen, and Seasmoke is restless and continuously roaring. Laenor is scared for his wife and the child until the sudden halt of the wind and rain. And the loud cries of a baby. "It's a girl! It's a girl!" a midwife shouts. Rhaenyra, Harwin, Laenor, and King Viserys are all filled with such joy. Queen Alicent then joins them so she may look upon the newborn, babe. To see if her suspicions are correct. To everyones' surprise, even the new grandfather King Viserys, though he wouldn't admit that to anyone. Especially himself. The babe seemed to resemble thst of Ser Laenor. Laenor observing his newborn daughter starts to let tears fall down his cheeks. His baby girl. His. Wrapped up in the love of his newfound parenthood, Laenor takes the child from the arms of the maesters and is in complete awe. "You. Are the most beautiful little creatures I have ever laid my eyes upon." Ser Laenor says as he holds his daughter in his hands. Bringing her up to place a kiss upon her head, not carrying about the blood remaining. Queen Alicent comes up to see the babe, pulling the swaddle of the baby's head so slightly only to be met with a bundle of curly white hair. "She is beautiful Ser Laenor. She looks just like you." utters the Queen, surprised at this outcome. Suprised but not disappointed. King Viserys joins his wife in observing the child. "Your grace. May I present your granddaughter." Laenor says as he places his daughter in the arms of her grandfather the King. The King looks down at this little bundle of joy. His first grandchild. "Words... could never express..." At a loss for words, he looks between his daughter and Ser Laenor with nothing but gratitude. Tears in his eyes. Happy with the little girl who has been blessed to his family. Rhaenyra, however, isn't as happy. Noticing Ser Harwins grip is no longer there, she turns to him. To see him staring at the baby, that is obviously not his daughter. She sees the pain behind his eyes and feels nothing but guilt. Not joy or love for her daughter. But guilt and resentment. Ser Harwin stands and takes a step back, resuming his post as the Princesses sworn protector and nothing more. "What shall we name her?" Pulls Rhaenyra out of her thoughts as she looks up at Laenor, who hasn't taken his eyes off his daughter since since she was born. "You can name her." Rhaenyra said with a coldness that was unexpected. Shared looks between the King and Queen, wondering why Rhaenyra seems not to take interest in her daughter. Ser Laenor takes his daughter back in his arms and whispers, "Ahsoka." Bringing smiles to everyones faces but the Princess and her protector. Laenor hasn't noticed because he's all wrapped up in the eyes of his daughter. His eyes, he saw, reflect back at him, then blessed his daughter with her full name. "Ahsoka Velaryon. First of her name." Suddenly, the wind starts to pick up again. As the Princess is helped to her feet and all parties seem to move towards to castle is when it happens. Up to the sky, lay something the realm has never seen before. A rarity. Much like the babe blessed to them. A blue star appears in the sky as the clouds move away. Allowing all to see. Everyone, all over the world. Gasps and whispers can be heard as everyone in the keep looks upon the night sky. "Princess Ahsoka Velaryon. The Blue Star." says the beloved King about his granddaughter. Making Ser Laenor tear up at the love and acceptance of his heir. Not just from the King, but it seems from the gods themselves. "Have the gods truly given her their favor?" Laenor speaks as he cries, looking down upon the gift that had been given to him. Seasmoke senses the joy in his rider, letting out a soft roar whilst moving forward. Laenor brings his swaddle baby girl up to his dragon for him to meet. "Bisa iksos issa tala. Ao līs va moriot mīsagon zȳhon seasmoke. Mīsagon issa ānogar." (This is my daughter. You must always protect her Seasmoke. Protect my blood.) Laenor speaks to his dragon. Replied with a soft whine. Laenor then looks back up, admiring them sky and then down to his daughter. Admiring his blue star. His Ahsoka. "Nyke shall dōrī henujagon ao. Nyke won't mirre abandon ao, issa jorrāelagon." (I shall never leave you. I won't ever abandon you, my love.) With that, a kiss to her forehead. With that, the newborn Princess falls asleep in his arms. This night will be one everyone remembers. One of fear and joy. Chaos and peace. The night of the great storm. The night of the Blue star. The night of the Princess Ahsoka Velaryon first of her name.



A/N. Shorter chapter than the first. But I am enjoying writing this so far. If anyone has suggestions please feel free. I have an idea of where I'm going with this story but would still love to hear ideas

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