For The Light of The Seven

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124 Kings Landing.

In the council chamber sits Otto Hightower and Larys Strong. Otto has always attempted to break the upcoming betrothal. Ahsoka was trueborn so it wasn't that. Otto hated all of Rhaenyras' children, but it seemed he dispised Ahsoka the most. Otto was a religious man claiming the faith of the seven. Ahsoka to most of the faith was a demon sent by false gods to take everything from Westeros. To engulf the world in fire and water. This is where the name "Witch of Driftmark" started. Trying to destroy her credibility by sewing fear into the hearts of men. Old Town grew fear the Princess they had never met.

Otto has been planning something with Larys, something that would end the possibility of staining his blood with that of sorcery.

Otto: You have made arrangements?
Larys: Of course, my Lord Hand. The Princess will never lay with your grandson.
Otto: Good. She has clearly bewitched him.
Larys: Why do you say that? I mean, she is indeed very beautiful. Strong and capable.
Otto: She's a demon.
Larys: She's a princess. And if we don't do this right, my Lord Hand. She could take everything from you. Starting with your grandson.
Otto: What're the arrangements you've made for tonight?
Larys: No need to worry. All goes to plan. We just need to succeed.

Larys' plan to get rid of Ahsoka was devious and well thought. However, he was up against the Goddess of The Wind and Seas. Even if a woman expresses strength, that doesn't stop a man from underestimating her.

On the training yard, Ahsoka spars with Cregan. His weapon of choice is obviously a long sword. Cregan was shocked at first at the Princesses' strength. Her skills are sharper than half the men in the North, and her determination is unmatched. "I admit. I had not expected this. I've heard of your skills, but the stories of your sword play, I'm afraid get overshadowed by your abilities." The Stark man says to Ahsoka. This makes Ahsoka grin. She likes the idea of men underestimating her. Because if they do, then they're more vulnerable to her. "Your skills are good, my lord. Perhaps you shall serve me well?" Ahsoka and Cregan continue to spar until a voice pulls their concentration. "Princesses shouldn't play with sharp things. You may cut yourself." It was Jaxton Lannister with his handsome smug face. Late for training and seemingly nonchalant about his tardiness.

Ahsoka: You're late.
Jaxton: I thought I'd give Lord Stark here a chance to prove himself before I show off my skill.
Cregan: Tss.
Ahsoka: Cregan here has already proven himself a good fighter. You haven't.
Jaxton: And to whom must I prove myself?
Cregan: The Princess.
Jaxton: *laughs* I bet she'd be impressed, Stark. Leaving her oddly satisfied.

Cregan began to take a step forward to defend your honor until a hand stops him. Ahsokas hand. "Raise your blade, Lion." She said to Jaxton while holding her duel blades. The short sword in her left with the long sword in her right. Cregan steps to the side and is prepared to witness Jaxton get his ass kicked.

Jaxton: My lady. Are you sure you wish to do this?

Ahsoka just stares at him, and he advances. Ahsoka spins out of the way, making Jaxton stumble. He turns and attempts to swing, but she blocks him. His frustration is easy to get out of him. He swings again multiple times. She can tell he has no strategy, just anger. "My Lord. Are you sure you wish to do this?" Ahsoka asks Jaxton with sarcasm. Making Cregan laugh to the side of the yard. Jaxton lunges and is brought to his knees by Ahsoka, holding her blade to his chin, making him look at her. "Never assume you can win a battle. Never think you are better than your opponent. Once you do, you lose the battle." Ahsoka offered him a hand to help him up, but he didn't take it. He stood and stormed away from the training yard in embarrassment. Thinking about her words for the rest of the day.

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