The Wolf and The Unknown

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130 AC. Kings Landing

Elaena is working through her day in the kitchens. She is listening to the gossiping of the other staff as she washes dishes. Her days usually consist of chores. She does not hate her position in the castle at all. But she does wish to have an adventure of her own. A life beautifully lived, starting from nothing only to rise. As time went on in the kitchen, she was tasked with bringing wine to the training yard for the Kings arrival later on. She moves through the Keep with the pitcher in hand when she feels she is being watched. Her suspicions confirmed when she nearly runs into Lord Larys Strong. At the last second, she spins herself around the Master of Whispers to evade body contact. Coming to a stop on the other side of him.

Elaena: Oh! My Lord. Forgive me. *pants*
Larys: Twas my doing. You are quite swift.
Elaena: *clears throat* My Lord?
Larys: It's just that anyone else would have probably dropped this. *runs finger on pitcher* But you maneuvered yourself in a way that was as if you have had training.
Elaena: Being a woman in Kings Landing is dangerous work alone.
Larys: Hm. I suppose so.
Elaena: My Lord. *turns/walks*
Larys: Prince Daemon...

Hearing his name makes her stop in her tracks. What about Prince Daemon. Why was someone asking her about him after nearly four years of living in the Keep?

Elaena: *turns* My Lord?
Larys: He is an interesting man. Is he not?
Elaena: I suppose.
Larys: You lived with him for some time on Dragonstone, yes?
Elaena: I was Princess Ahsokas handmaiden. I had duties around the castle. As well as Driftmark.
Larys: Hm. Your preference?

Elaena narrows her gaze at the hobbled man. What the fuck was he trying to say? Elaena may not be a Targaryen. But her blood burned hot. The blood of the dragon ran through her veins and she always had to make sure to keep it in check. She didn't share many things with her father, like his likeness. But she did share his temper. A temper that she has learned to keep in control thus hiding her Valyrian ancestry even more. In her eyes, if you go unnoticed, no one will even bother to question who you are. That's how it worked in the Keep. But someone noticed her now. Probably the worst someone out of all choices.

Elaena: Driftmark. The Princess was happier there.
Larys: Everyone seems so taken with Princess Ahsoka. Even the common people.
Elaena: That's because she doesn't treat us like we are commoners. *deep breath* My Lord. Good day.

 Good day

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Elaena turns to walk again, not giving Lord Strong a chance to stop her. She makes it through a few corridors before she once again feels eyes on her. She doesn't let on that she is aware of her surroundings. Instead, she keeps walking. She does a quick glance back to see that no one is behind her at his moment, and she takes advantage. With a swift movement, she opens one of Maegors' secret doors behind the tapestry, depicting the Smith. Thanks to her mother, she was made aware of the tunnels. And thanks to Ahsoka, she knew exactly where they all were. She steadied her breathing and listened to see if whomever was watching comes by and her efforts pay off. She listens to the sound of a cane hitting the stone floor going past the door she had gone into. She knows this to be Lord Larys Strong, The Master of Whispers. But why is he following her? She'd rather not find out right now, so she continued her way down the dark path, making her way to the training yard. Upon seeing a light, she poked her head out the door before stepping out. She now stands at the terrace overlooking the training grounds where the king is to sit. She places down the pitcher and takes her leave. But before she can, she takes notice of a certain Stark Knight sparing.

Cregan has been training all morning per usual. He and Aemond were alike in that sense, the two of them usual taking the time to duel each other almost daily. Today, he was sparing with a random squire since Aemond has been preoccupied with his wife and son. After some time, Cregan emerges victorious. There are not many people out to watch since the yard is more mud than usual due to the consistent rainfall coming from Princess Ahsoka. Cregan sheaths his sword and meets the gaze of Elaena standing across the yard. A smile is all it took to convince him to walk over to her. The latter meeting the Lord halfway.

Elaena: My Lord *curtseys*
Cregan: I have told you. You are to call me Cregan.
Elaena: Of course. My Lord Cregan.
Both: *snickers*
Cregan: How are you fairing?
Elaena: I am well. Congratulations on your victory.
Cregan: Wasn't much of a victory. Twas mearly assisting the lad in his swordplay.
Elaena: Ah. Maybe I'll have to take you on sometime.
Cregan: *eyebrow raise* Do you train?
Elaena: Rarely. But I do know how to use a blade to defend myself.
Cregan: Good.
Elaena: Hm?
Cregan: Oh well, it's just if someone were *stops abruptly*

Cregan attempts to rush Elaena but is thwarted when Elaena immediately drops to the ground and rolls (fire drill style) and then wraps her legs around Cregans so he falls. Before he realized what happened, Elaena was extending a hand to assist him. What made her respect him more than she did was when he actually took her assistance. He wasn't an overly confident man, always trying to be the Alpha male. He was someone who didn't need to prove himself because he knew who he was.

Cregan: *grunts* You are dangerous.
Elaena: It's mostly Ahsoka.
Cregan: *chuckle* I should have suspected.
Elaena: She does have the best moves.
Cregan: And they are adaptable for anyone. *pants*
Elaena: Indeed. I once had to use her tactics in Flea Bottom.
Cregan: Why were you in Flea Bottom? *walks to seating area*
Elaena: I went to visit with my mother.
Cregan: *eyes widen/looks down* Oh.

Elaena takes notice of this look. She knows what Cregan is thinking, and he is wrong. Well. At least not anymore.

Elaena: She's not a whore.
Cregan: My apologies. *Interrupted*
Elaena: No need. *chuckles* She is the one responsible for telling Ahsoka about the fighting pits. The raid?
Cregan: Your mother?
Elaena: Yes. Though I didn't used to take pride in that.
Cregan: Why not? She helped save so many children.
Elaena: That's why. She never wanted to have a child... And when she fell with me... Well.
Cregan: Ah.
Elaena: And the worst part. She took more care of the other children of Kings Landing before her own blood.
Cregan: I am sorry.
Elaena: Thank you. Cregan. *smiles*


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Cregan returns her smile. A warmth floods his chest at the sight before him. A beautiful woman with much unknown about her. And he wanted to learn more. If she would let him.


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