Wedding Drama

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129 AC. Kings Landing

After Aemond left Ahsoka, she got dressed with the help of Elaena. She came running into her chambers, barreling into Ahsoka for a hug. She told her of all the updates of Kings Landing within the last few moons. Including news that Ahsoka did not enjoy hearing.

Ahsoka: What did you say?
Elaena: *sigh* Since the Kings arm amputation, Lord Otto has stopped the funding for the orphanage. He convinced the Queen that the King should go back in his dosage of Milk of The Poppy. Saying it was due to his rejection of it, that made him lose his arm in the first place. He's been bedridden more than not.
Ahsoka: Is that why these seven pointed stars are displayed everywhere?

Elaena explains how Otto has taken funding from the people of Kings Landing in order to install his own decorations in the keep. Religious symbols and paintings can be seen throughout the castle on every wall. The once intricate designs of Old Valyria as well as the Dragon statues are now replaced with verses from the High Septons Holy Book. As well as multiple pointed star designs and statues of the seven. Ugly to look at, to say the least. Let's not talk about the green banners that are the same color as dragon shit.

Ahsoka designed a fitted blue mermaid satin dress with a slit going up her mid thigh, showing her left leg. The heart-shaped corset attached shows off her chest the way she likes it. The dress has one sleeve down the right arm, leaving the left bare besides the Valyrian steel brazers on both forearms. Elegant yet simple. Ahsokas signature Seahorse pendant along with sapphire earrings to match. Her hair is done up in the same bun she had when Aemond came to visit her. But this time, her hair is adorned with cowrie shells. She never dared forget her Velaryon heritage. She honored it more than her Targaryen side of the family. A knock at the door made the Princess completely flustered. Now waving Elaena towards the chamber doors and checking herself in the vanity mirror, making sure her hair is set. She stands and smoothes out her dress, which she is proud of. Her years at war have really accentuated her features. Her body is toned, and her curves had slightly grown due to the muscle. Her breasts, hips, and ass show through most gowns, making it near impossible to find a pre-made gown to fit her. After she smoothes out her dress, she moves to readjust her corset. Now she's ready. She gives Elaena the go head to open the door. With a smile, Ahsoka takes a step forward only to be met with the faces of her mother and stepfather. Ahsokas face noticeably falls in disappointment before she picks it back up, meeting the gaze of Rhaenyra and Daemon.

Daemon: Disappointed? You wound me, daughter.
Ahsoka: *humored sigh* I'm sorry, that's not what I meant.
Rhaenyra: *hugs* You look gorgeous, my star.
Daemon: A little showy, no?

Ahsoka and Rhaenyra both laugh at Daemons overprotective father act, which he regularly displays towards Ahsoka. The man really loved her like she was his own daughter. Ahsoka looked over to Elaena, who couldn't help but stare at the back of Daemons head. Moving to her.

Ahsoka: Elaena helped me pick it out.
Elaena: *humored sigh* Yes, I think it's one of the best Ahsoka has made thus far.
Ahsoka: A shame I couldn't make my wedding dress in time. The tailor hasn't stopped since my grandmother Rhaenys sent him my measurements.
Rhaenyra: It is beautiful.
Ahsoka: What can I do for you both?
Rhaenyra: There's a matter Daemon and I need to discuss with you.

Daemon can't help but stare at Elaena. He hasn't seen her for a few years. Not since Ahsoka left Dragonstone. She reminded him of someone. But he couldn't think of who. Elaena and Daemon made eye contact, and Daemon had a chilling sensation run down his spine. He doesn't even hear what has just been said.

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