Dragons, Wolves, and The Fish

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139 AC. Riverrun

The Riverlands, historically the Kingdom of Rivers and Hills, are a central region of the former Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, consisting of the rich, fertile, and populous areas around the three forks of the Trident and the northern Blackwater Rush. Because of their central position in Westeros and lack of natural boundaries, the riverlands have been a frequent battleground. The people of the riverlands are known as "rivermen" or occasionally "riverlanders," and they are a mixture of hardy warriors, peaceful fisherfolk, and devout smallfolk.
Their lords have a reputation for being notoriously quarrelsome and are referred to as "river lords." Noble bastards born in the riverlands are given the surname Rivers. House Tully of Riverrun is one of the Great Houses of the Six Realms.

 House Tully of Riverrun is one of the Great Houses of the Six Realms

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Now, with the North secured of any and all rebellion. The days of the Seven Kingdoms were over indeed. The Lord Paramount of the Trident rules over the riverlands from the Tully seat of Riverrun. Their sigil is a silver trout leaping on a striped field of blue and mud red, and their house words are "Family, Duty, Honor." House Tully follows the Faith of the Seven and worships in a sept found inside their seat of Riverrun. That being another reason why Lord Tully was willing to join Jacaerys' rebellion, he too saw The Queen as something rather malevolent. Jacaerys knew Lord Tully was a religious man from his lessons with his mother. When pleading his case, he played into his "faith."

House Tully is an old noble house of First Men origin, dating back to the Age of Heroes. Ser Edmure Tully and his sons were allies of Tristifer IV Mudd, the King of the Rivers, and the Hills (House Greyjoy), but the Tullys knelt to the Andal conqueror Armistead Vance after Tristifer's death. Edmure's son, Axel Tully, received land at the confluence of the Red Fork and the Tumblestone, where he constructed Riverrun. Unlike many Great Houses, the Tullys never ruled as kings but held Riverrun for at least a thousand years as powerful vassals of those who did. They often defended the Trident from the Kings of the Rock. Also know as House Lannister.

House Tully rose to prominence during Aegon's Conquest, when Lord Edmyn Tully led the rebel riverlords who deserted Harren Hoare, King of the Isles and the Rivers, and instead supported House Targaryen. Following the burning of Harrenhal, Edmyn was rewarded with dominion over the riverlands by Aegon I Targaryen as the first Lord Paramount of the Trident. House Tully is now rulled by an aging Lord Grover Tully. And a man last heard to be knocking on The Strangers door.

It was the morning Ahsoka was supposed to leave for her fight against the Greyjoys, and Cregan was overseeing the preparation for the attack meant to happen later on. After moving south across the rivers and closer to Riverrun there was a clear sight of the battlefield.

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