The Awoken

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121 AC. What's happening?

We start with Princess Ahsoka. She seems to be stuck somewhere. Surrounded in darkness. She's confused but oddly relaxed.

"Hello, Princess. Princess Ahsoka. It's the Blue Star. Of course, my Princess of The People."

Ahsoka: Kepa?

* Voices continue*
"From my blood come the one that was promised. The last dragon died before you were born. When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before."

Ahsoka: Who's there? Hello? Kepa?
Distorted Voice: Hello, little one.
Ahsoka: Kepa?
Distorted Voice: From our blood. Comes the one that was promised.
Ahsoka: I don't understand. Please help me!
Distorted Voice: I understand your fear. But know, you will return.
Ahsoka: Return? Re... *memories of Aemond, Luke, Baela, and Rhaena. And Jace flood in*
Distorted Voice: You know.
Ahsoka: I died...?
Distorted Voice: Yes, child. It was meant to be this way. One way or another. The dance is coming, and only you can change the outcome. Only you can save our family.
Ahsoka: Our family?

That's when the wind picks up. Ahsoka falls through the black floor and lands in a field of fire. Faint screams surround her as well as flames. Then the flames stand still, and three shadows emerge from the smoke. A man and two women, all adorned in Targaryen colors. Ahsoka recognized them. Only then did she realize who they were.

Visenya: So. This is her.
Rhaenys: Hello, Blue Star. Do you know who we are?
Aegon T/C: Of course she does, my love. I told you. I've been keeping an eye on this one.
Rhaenys: We need to do this right.
Visenya: She's right, husband. We have only so much time.
Ahsoka: Why am I here?
Aegon T/C: Listen closely, little one. Another doom is coming for us. A tragedy awaits our house, and it will come into pass.
Ahsoka: "The last dragon died before you were born..."
Aegon T/C: That's it.
Ahsoka: How?
Visenya: A war is coming. A war between our kin. The Black and The Greens. The divide between the two families will spark what they will call "Dance of The Dragons"
Rhaenys: And you are the one who will turn the tide.
All three: You are the beginning of that which was promised. As you shall be the end. The one to bring the dawn!
Ahsoka: A war... I... I do not understand. What was I promised to do?
Rhaenys: All will become clear in time, my sweet.
Visenya: Until such a time has passed. You must grow in strength. You will be given gifts that haven't been seen since The Doom of Valyria.

Ahsoka then hears a voice she does not recognize. The voice of a man. A man who in another universe, in another time. Would be twin brother to one Queen Cersei Lannister. But in this life, he's studying to take his fathers place at Casterly Rock.

Jamie Lannister: No one's made a new Valyrian steel sword since Ahsoka Velaryon. *echoing*

Aegon T/C: You will be given knowledge men would kill to possess.
Visenya: And power that of the gods'
Rhaenys: You. Are. The Blue Star.
Ahsoka: What if I fail?

The three looked between each other before agreeing. That's when Aegon The Conqueror, knelt in front of his descendant and placed his finger on her forehead. Showing the young princess the fall of her house, the hunt for those with blood of the dragon, and the rise of a stag king.

Robert Baratheon: I kill him in my sleep every night. *Ahsoka sees the death of Rhaegar Targaryen*
The Mad King: BURN THEM ALL!
Tywin Lannister: We could launch a dynasty that would last for a thousand years. Or we can collapse into nothing as the Targaryens did.
Viserys Targaryen: I am the dragon! I am the dragon! I WANT MY CROWN!
Daenerys Targaryen: I spent my life in foreign lands. *flashes of Daenerys* So many men have tried to kill me, I don't remember all their names. *sees the assassination attempts on Daenerys' life* I have been sold like a broodmare. I've been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled.
Jon Snow: Have you been down there? Have you seen? Children! Little children burned!

Aegon T/C: How the dance will start is set in stone. How it all will end however, is entirely up to you.

Ahsoka opens her eyes.

Melisandre: I am called Melisandre. I am a priestess from Asshai and I have come to see the Princess Ahsoka.
Viserys: Go away.
Melisandre: I have come for the Princess your grace.
Viserys: The Princess is gone! Go away! Guards!
Laenor: What do you want?
Melisandre: To gift her with that which will make her strong.
Alicent: The princess is- *interrupted*
Melisandre: I am aware my Queen. As I am aware of how this came to be.
Laenor: So what do you want?
Melisandre: The Lord of Light has granted the Princess his favor. He sends me as his messenger.
Otto: I have heard of these red priests your grace, nothing but a bunch of fanatics.
Melisandre: Not unlike your gods' my lord? Tell me. How did your gods' fair in protecting the Princess?
Laenor: Please. If there's anything...

The storm outside is worse than the storm on the day of Ahsokas birth. Melisandre walked forward. Eyes upon the Princess and a smile on her face. Ahsoka still dead on the table in the middle of the room. Everyone surrounds them and watches with intensity. Aemond stands with his mother holding her hand. Rhaenyra holds her sons close to her. Corlys and Rhaenys with Baela and Rhaena. And Laenor standing next to the table that his daughter lays on. Melisandre brings her hands together and bows before the dead princess. That's when it happens. Lightning strikes and illuminates the room. Trigon screeches just outside the great hall, making everyone hold their ears. The candles in the room as well as the fire place turns blue just before shooting higher. Making the wax on most of the candles melt down to the wick. And the fireplace shoot above the mantle burning the stone. As well as Aegons cloak and hair. From that day he always kept his hair short. The fire in the room goes out. Luke, Baela, and Rhaena scream. Just before all is calm. The candle and fireplace ignites again with a natural fire glow. Everyone shuffles and yet everything is still. Until something breaks the silence. Breath.



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