As Time Goes On

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The story continues with Princess Ahsokas diary at hand. A gift left to her by her Aunt Helaena, along with a note. " The storm stirs, and the ship wrecks. From the ambition comes death. A desire to have what he cannot." When Ahsoka woke, she had been told of what had occurred after her death. How Aemond had lost his eye, the Queen wanting Lukes eye and Jaces heart. How there was a red priestess from Asshai. And how the Lord of Light had given Ahsoka the kiss of life. Her head was spinning with the information as well as the state she was in. She ate with her family and was given a bath in her chambers by Rhaenys.

Ahsoka: Grandmother?
Rhaenys: Yes, my sweet?
Ahsoka: Do you fear me?
Rhaenys: Of course not, my love. Why would you ask such a thing?
Ahsoka: The maids are afraid of me. I can hear them.
Rhaenys: What do you mean, child?
Ahsoka: When we were eating, I heard the maids in the corner of the room whispering. No one else heard. But I did.
Rhaenys: You heard them? From far away?
Ahsoka: Yes? What is happening to me?
Rhaenys: According to the priestess. You gave have been "Given gifts men could only dream of. The ability to reshape the world to your desire."
Ahsoka: But what does that mean?
Rhaenys: I don't know my Star. But what I do know. You're destined for greatness.
Ahsoka: Why can't I just be a child? I didn't ask to die. I didn't ask for any of this.
Rhaenys: What is it your father always says? Hmm?
Ahsoka: *sighs* Everything happens for a reason...
Rhaenys: *snickers* Exactly.

Hours later, Ahsoka is woken by a nightmare. She dreamt of her fathers death. An assassin that came in the night. Slitting his throat and cutting off locks of hair. She hurried out of bed to find her father. As she ran into the throne room, she encountered her father dueling with two masked men. Cut throats hired by someone wealthy. The two had disarmed Laenor, and he fell to his knees. Ahsoka watched with horror as one of the men raised their blade up to strike. Just before something inside her broke. Her eyes, already a shade of violet, have turned a much brighter shade of purple, and she let's out a scream.

Her scream was so piercing that it made the men fall to their knees, holding their heads, trying to block out the sound. Leanor stood and watched what his daughter was doing. The leather masks of the two cut throats grew wet with blood. Blood streaming from their eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Just before their necks snapped suddenly. Laenor looked to his daughter as she fell to her knees in exhaustion. He ran and took her in his arms. "My Blue Star." Ahsoka didn't say anything. She fainted in his arms as she did the night of her "awakening" as some had taken to calling it. When Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys stormed in the room to look in shock at the sight. Rhaenys was the first to run to her granddaughter. Soon followed by Corlys.

Rhaenys: We heard the scream! What has happened here?
Laenor: These men came here to kill me.
Corlys: What?
Laenor: They said that I "pissed off the wrong person"
Rhaenys: Who could've done this
Laenor: Rhaenyra...
Corlys: Surely not lad...
Laenor: Who else could I have angered? For Ahsokas' entire life, Rhaenyra has constantly been telling me that I won't take Ahsoka from her. Now I have.
Rhaenys: He's right husband. It is sure to be her.
Corlys: We can not say this to anyone else. It could be taken as treason.
Laenor: We must not tell Ahsoka who sent them. With this power. Who knows what she'll do.

Ahsoka awoke the next morning with her father awake in the chair next to her. Once he met his daughters gaze, he smiled. He had told her of what happened, and she grew angry. After she ate with her family, she dressed for flying and mounted Trigon. Laenor and Rhaenys followed by mounting their dragons and taking off with Ahsoka. They arrived at Dragonstone to be met with stares and whispers. The rumors were true. Word about the Princesses' "reawakening" had already spread as far as The Riverlands. Sure, to hit the north before long. They made their way to the castle and were met by Rhaenyra and her new husband, Deamon. Along with Jace, Luke, Baela, and Rhaena. Luke saw his sister and tried to run to her before being stopped by his mother. Daemon and Rhaenyra couldn't help but eye up Laenor, who was actually supposed to be dead. They were indeed the ones who sent the assassin to kill Laenor. Rhaenyra cried to Deamon about her daughter and the mistakes she wished she could remedy, and he told her that he'll get her Star back.

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