Stained Red

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"Blue... stained red... at the slash of black."

Aemond hadn't said a word since what happened. He was surrounded by people. Family, maesters, and enemies. He couldn't do anything as the maesters stitched him up, but he wanted nothing more than to run a sword to Jacaerys. Alicent and Viserys were kneeling next to Ahsokas body. She had been layed on the table next to Aemond. Her skin pale, her hair and shawl stained red with her blood, and the bruises given to her by her brother. Luke and Jace were standing side by side, staring at their sister. Luke was still crying while Jace was in shock. The feeling of Ahokas dried blood caked on his hands and forearm.

Viserys: How could you allow such a thing to happen? I will have answers.
Harrold: The princes were supposed to be abed, my king.
Viserys: Who had the watch?
Criston: Young Prince and Princess was attacked by their own blood, Your Grace.
Viserys: You swore oaths to protect and defend my blood!
Harrold: I'm very sorry, Your Grace. Criston: The Kingsguard has never had to defend princes from princes, Your Grace.
Viserys: That is no answer!

This is the most anger the King has ever displayed. Ever. His son maimed. His granddaughter... "My Star..." He thought. She was dead. The storm outside raged, only getting worse by the minute. Alicent walked over to Aemond. "It will heal, will it not maester?" She asked as the maester pierced Aemonds flesh once more to stich it in place.

Maester: The flesh will heal. But the eye is lost your grace.
Alicent: Where were you?
Aegon: Me? Ow! What was that for? Alicent: That was nothing compared to the abuse your family suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool!

That's when Lord Corlys entered the room. "What is the me-" words stick in his throat as he lays eyes upon his granddaughter. Not realizing his wife pushed past him to get to their other granddaughters. Rhaenys' eyes caught Ahsokas corpse, and she fell to her knees. Rhaenyra ran into the room and checked on her sons. Noticing the blood on her sons hands, she questioned. "Show me! Show me! Who's blood... who did this?" She asked all while not noticing her daughters dead body on the fucking table. Until she turned around and saw her. Her
first born. Her only daughter. Layed dead before her. She was in shock and didn't know what to do. Memory of their relationship played throughout Rhaenyra mind. She regrets every moment she has waisted. She would trade everything just to get her back.

Aemond: They attacked us!
Baela: He stole my mother's dragon!
Viserys: Enough...
Luke: He was gonna kill Jace!
Alicent: It should be my son who tells the tale!
Jace: He called us...
Viserys: Silence!

Everyone shifting their stances at the sound of lightning and dragon screeching. Waves crashing off rocks the rocks.

Viserys: Aemond... I will have the truth of what happened. Now.
Alicent: What else is there to hear? Your son has been maimed. Your granddaughter murdered. Her sons are responsible.

Rhaenyra looked to her son Jace once more. Her son... killed her daughter... She lost Ahsoka. She had to protect Jace and Luke.

Rhaenyra: It was a regrettable accident.
Alicent: Accident? AN ACCIDENT! The Princes brought a blade to the ambush, meant meant to kill my son and your daughter! To which they succeeded on the latter.
Jace: I never meant- *interrupted*
Aemond: SHUT UP!
Rhaenyra: It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves. Vile insults were levied against them.
Viserys: What insults?
Rhaenyra: The legitimacy of my sons' birth was put loudly to question.
Viserys: What?
Jace: He called us bastards.
Rhaenyra: My sons are in line to inherit the Iron Throne, Your Grace. This is the highest of treasons. Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders.
Alicent: Over an insult? My son has lost an eye. Your daughter. Rhaenyra...
Viserys: You tell me, boy. Where did you hear this lie?
Alicent: The insult was training yard bluster. The lot of boys. It was nothing.
Viserys: Aemond... I asked you a question.
Alicent: Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The childs' father? Perhaps he might have something to say in the matter.

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