The Calm

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After the return of Ahsoka and her father, Ser Laenor. They were swiftly told they were to move to Dragonstone to escape the snakes of the court. Funny way of saying you're running from a problem you created. Ahsoka was livid with her mother, fighting so hard to stay. Stay with the orphans of Kings Landing, her grandsire, the King, Aemond. She thought mostly of Aemond. She ran to tell him immediately. To which he grew angry. After Ahsoka left him, he went straight to his mother to beg for her to take you as her ward.

Aemond: Mother, please don't let them take her!
Alicent: It is done, Aemond. I am so sorry, I did not want this.
Aemond: Order Rhaenyra to give you Ahsoka as your Ward, please, mother!
Alicent: I already tried, my sweet. Rhaenyra wouldn't allow it. And your father won't go against her.
Aemond: They're just gonna take her away, and it's OK? They're gonna take away my Blue Star, my Ahsoka. Mother, you can't...
Alicent: Aemond...
Aemond: Betrothe us! Do it and her place will be here!
Alicent: Not for many years, Aemond. And I'm afraid Rhaenyra will deny the union.

Aemond broke down in tears. His mother is holding him, trying not to cry herself. She had loved Ahsoka, too. Though it was now clear to her that her son had loved her too. But much more extreme. The day came when they said their goodbyes. Aemond and Ahsoka holding hands all the way to the wheelhouse prepared to take them to the harbor.

Ahsoka: I don't wanna leave you.
Aemond: I don't want that either my Blue Star. May I write to you?
Ahsoka: I would love that very much. I am going to miss you.
Aemond: We will see each other again. And when we do. I will ask your mother for your hand.
Ahsoka: Aemond...
Aemond: We are meant to be together, Ahsoka. We're mean to burn together. I know it to be true.

Aemond was never good at expressing his emotions, so this caught Ahsoka off guard. With a warm embrace, they said their final goodbyes. Aemonds words echoed in her mind for what seemed like weeks. With every letter you exchanged, your young love blossomed. Ahsoka told him of the wild dragons, urging him to come to Dragon Stone to try and claim one. And how The Cannibal took a liking to Trigon. Which is something she was told has never happened before. It's not that Trigon asserted dominance to the territory. It was a sense of mutual respect. Also mentioned that since being here, you've been having strange dreams. Dreams of blue and green fire dancing around you. Nightly dreams. It's been a year since she's seen Aemond. And she wondered how he had changed in that short amount of time. She had also kept in contact with her grandsire, the King. After she had told Aemond about her leaving, she ran to her grandsire. She told him about the orphanage, and he agreed to provide funding. Last Ahsoka heard the children of Kings Landing had mostly been well fed, had beds and warm clothes. As well as education and apprenticeship studies. And the people of Kings Landing knew who to thank. She had done the same with the village of Dragonstone. Meeting with the people, listening to them, and providing aid when needed. She just loved being able to provide for others. It wasn't necessarily a desire, but it just seemed like no one cared. Not here and certainly not in Kings Landing.

Each letter Aemond received brought a warm smile to his face and butterflies to his stomach. He was glad Aegon couldn't read his mind. If he knew what he was thinking whenever someone brought up Ahsokas deeds to the capital into conversation, he would never let it go. Aemond read each letter over an over again, keeping them hidden just in case Aegon came snooping. He was only 11. But the way he felt for Ahsoka was unlike anyone else. It was all-consuming, his feelings. When they were younger, they were inseparable. They would always be seen playing together or stealing cakes to eat in the Gods' Wood late at night. They had been friends forever, and he had cared about her. But this was different. He thought about her so much, as I said, he was obsessed.

*Aemond reading Ahsokas letter and inner thoughts*
"...Blue and Green fire..." Is she talking about us? It does make sense. She's blue, and I most certainly be green. It has to be us. Perhaps she has dragon dreams, like Daenys the Dreamer!

Aemond was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of the door to his chambers opening. It was his sister Helaena. Aemond shuffled before his realization, "Oh, it is you, sister. I thought you were Aegon." Helaena smiles and shakes her head. "Another raven from Ahsoka?" She asked. Aemond then confirmed. Helaena sat at the table with her brother with a smile that hadn't left her face. "Are you going to marry her, brother?" Aemond looked to his sister in shock and embarrassment, trying to play it off. "W... What? No! Wha-" Interrupted by Helaena, who gives shakes her head and tells him that she won't tell Aegon. After a short while, Helaena grabs Aemonds forearm and pulls him from thought. "Seeds planted green turn blue. Blue stained red at the slash of black." Aemond looks to his sister just before she gets up and skips away. Aemond pondered his sisters words. He knew she had to be a Dreamer. "Blue stained red..." That part echoed in his mind. He worried for Ahsoka after that. He had to get to get to her somehow. He had to make sure she was okay. He could allow any harm to come to his Blue Star. He had to protect her. He ran to find his mother to request going to Dragonstone. Before he got the chance to ask, he was informed of the death of his Aunt Laena as well as Ser Harwin Strong. He didn't care. He never met the woman, nor did he care about the knight whom fathered bastards of the crown. He just wanted his Blue Star. That's when Alicent told him there's to be a funeral for the Princess Laena at Driftmark. Aemond knew. He knew he would get the chance to see her again. Her. His Ahsoka. He left in a hurry to prepare for the journey. He had the chance he was waiting for. He was gonna ask Rhaenyra for her hand.


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