The Red Queen

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139 AC. Horn Hill

Horn Hill is the seat of House Tarly in the Reach. Located on an eponymous hill, the castle lies south of Highgarden and a hundred leagues northeast of Oldtown among the thickly-wooded foothills of the Red Mountains. House Tarly of Horn Hill is a noble house of the Reach, one of the strongest sworn to House Tyrell. Well formerly... Horn Hill is located in the foothills of the Red Mountains. Their sigil is the striding huntsman on green. House Tarly is an old noble house of First Men origin from the Age of Heroes. The Tarlys claim descent from twin sons of Garth Greenhand, Herndon of the Horn, and Harlon the Hunter. House Tarly, like House Hightower, was known for their faith to The Seven. When House Tarly learned of The Faiths' decision to reject Queen Ahsokas rule, they were eager to join their coalition. Their fortress was planted directly on the border of their kingdom and was currently being marched on by The Blues forces. After many moons, Aemomd sent word to march to Oldtown. After receiving word from Ahsoka of her success defeating the Boltons. It was time to focus on the enemies within their own borders. Daeron sent word to his brother Aemond moons after the war broke out after being locked in his chambers in Oldtown. His cousin, Janos Hightower, was the only way the young prince was able to communicate with his family. And on the rare occasion, Daeron was able to get a letter to his family. He would ask Janos to check on his dragon Tessarion. Tessarion was a beautiful blue she-dragon. Her wings were a dark cobalt, while her claws, crest, and belly scales were the color of bright, beaten copper. Often compared to Trigon. The she dragon was chained in Oldtowns dragon pit.

Princess Rhaenys was staying in Highgarden during the height of the war to push back the raiding parties sent by so called, King Otto. Due to the fact that the Kingdom of The Faith rose seemingly fast, there was not much time given for the people to grow crops. Gathering harvest and livestock from the farms and villages in the region within their new borders was one of the first orders the new King had given. Despite the protest of the people, their food was taken for the soilders. Rhaenys would sometimes lead raids on the caravans of soldiers carrying food deeper within the Greens territory and deliver it to some of the villages per Aemonds orders. He thought that it would be what Ahsoka would do. Slowly, her influence reached deep into the Green territory. When Princess Rhaenys received word of Rhaenas' death, she wanted to fly back to Kings Landing just so she could hold her granddaughter once more. But there was still a war to fight. And if anything, this death was her motivation to end this war and go home.

As of now, Princess Rhaenys is flying above the clouds towards Horn Hill, where the battle was meant to take place

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As of now, Princess Rhaenys is flying above the clouds towards Horn Hill, where the battle was meant to take place. And beneath her was her dragon Meleys. Meleys is a female dragon who is also known as The Red Queen. She has scarlet scales and a crown of bright copper horns. During her youth, she is said to have been faster than both Caraxes and Vhagar. "Aderī, ñuha raqiros. Kesi sagon reunited lēda lentor." aderī." (Soon, my friend. We will be reunited with family soon.) Rhaenys said to Meleys. It wasn't long before they reached Horn Hill. When Meleys broke through the clouds, Rhaenys could see both sides riding on horseback towards each other. That's when she dodged a scorpion bolt sent directly from the fort.

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