The Promise of Old Valyria pt. 2

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130 AC. Kings Landing

Ahsoka is in labor. She moves through the corridors, trying to get to her chambers so she can deliver her baby. Her firstborn. She vowed never to treat any of her children as less than. She wouldn't raise her children like her mother had barely raised her. She would be better than her. Ahsoka eventually made it to the hall of her apartments and is relieved to see her father, grandparents, and protectors standing at her door. They were looking for her. "Kepa! *light sobs*" (Father!) The five of them turned to see Ahsoka. They start to run to her when she bends over in pain. "Ahsoka!" Rhaenys yelled out. Laenor is the fastest of the three and makes it to her first quickly, followed by Cregan and Jaxton, who grab both of her arms in support.

Laenor: My Blue *interrupted/thunder cracks*
Ahsoka: *screams*
Jaxton: Dragon...

Rhaenys and Corlys catch up to their son. Their eyes fall to their granddaughter is awe. Then. Ahsokas water breaks before them. The sound of liquid hitting the ground below her made fear spark in her.

Rhaenys: The baby.
Ahsoka: Aemond. *winces* Ohh, Aemond?
Laenor: I am not sure, my sweet.
Corlys: We must get her to the birthing bed at once! *flash of lightning*
Cregan: *starts walking* Easy Dragon *interrupted*
Ahsoka: *eyes glow/distorted voice* AEMOND! *thunder cracks*
Jaxton: HURRY!

Aegon is still running as if his life depends on it. "MOTHER!" He yells down the corridor. He reaches his mother's chambers and is met by his mother, grandfather, wife, and children. As well as Ser Criston.

Aegon: Mother!
Jaehaerya: Father!
Aegon: Oh, come, my dear girl. *picks up Jaehaerya* Tis alright.
Alicent: What's going on? Where's Ahsoka?! *thunder cracks*
Aegon: She's gone into labor. She *interrupted*
Otto: You left her in her current state? Look at the sky, boy!
Aegon: *puts down Jaehaerya* Ahsoka sent *interrupted*
Otto: Summon a maid. We need *interrupted*
Aegon: SHUT YOUR MOUTH FOR ONCE! *breath hitches*

This is the first time Aegon has stood up to Otto. He wasn't sure how long this confidence would last, but he decided to go with it. Everyone, including Alicent, looks to Aegon with a shocked expression.

Aegon: *thunder cracks* Ahsoka sent me to find you. She didn't give me much of a choice.
Criston: This storm will wipe us all out!
Aegon: We need to get to Ahsoka.

Aegon puts a hand out for his son to take. He now moves his two oldest children towards the door before becoming aware that he wasn't being followed. "Make haste!" He yelled as he continued to take his leave. Making everyone follow behind him. This was something that made him feel good. He took the initiative for once. And secretly. Alicent was proud of him for doing this. As well as standing up to her father.

In the skies above Kings Landing, Aemond flies on the back of Vhagar alongside Trigon. Trigon and Vhagar have a long history of mutual love and respect, so ever since Ahsoka arrived at the capital nine moons ago, they could be seen together almost every day. Aemond was flying over Blackwater Bay when the storm was called. A clear sky suddenly consumed by clouds. But not any clouds. He knew this. He looks around as the winds and rain start to pick up. What was Ahsoka doing? Was she angry? Or was something wrong? He flies his way towards the dragon pick, trying to find a place to land. He loved Vhagars size, but he cursed himself when he couldn't just land anywhere. "Aemond..." The familiar voice filled his ears. He scans his surroundings in search of his wife.

Aemond: Ahsoka?!

A moment passes before he hears her again. "Aemond!" Ahsokas voice somehow carried through the winds to his ears. "My love..." He said to himself as he flew over the Keep. Aemond is happy. He couldn't be happier about this. He knows that this means that his son is coming. And soon. He would rock him to sleep in his arms. His baby boy. Through the wild wind and rain, he smiled ear to ear. A grin like never before seen on the prince.

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