Lady Stark

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That night...

Ahsoka made her way to her chambers but was stopped by Jaxton Lannister. The Lannister peered from the corner her was about to turn as if he knew she'd be there.

Jaxton: Forgive me, Princess.
Ahsoka: No worries, my lord.
Jaxton: Might I say. That is quite the dress. Bold for a woman of your stature. Some might say it is inappropriate.
Ahsoka: Some like...
Jaxton: I heard whispers.
Ahsoka: Whispers don't bother me.
Jaxton: No? And why not? Does it not make your blood boil? When they call you a witch?

Ahsoka laughs at his comment. She knew what he was doing. He was trying to get her to react. To get angry. To lose control so she'd the love she had would turn to fear. A part of him had hated her. Hated her for being the reason he was dragged from his home and now forced to follow her wherever she went gods' knew how long. A part of him also feared her. Her power. Her magic. She was dangerous. Ahsoka drops her head back and laughs.

Ahsoka: Witch? Now. Flattery will get you nowhere.
Jaxton: You find comfort in being called such a vicious name?
Ahsoka: Hmm. There will always be people in this world who have a problem with me. Because I'm a woman. Because I am a princess. Because I wear the color blue shit. People will talk for the rest of my life. So I give them something to talk about.

With this, Ahsoka continued her way. Jaxton watched as Ahsoka left him behind. "Fair enough." He thought to himself. Ahsoka eventually made it to her chambers, giving her guard the night off. Upon closing her doors, she knew she wasn't alone. Lifting her skirt to unsheathe the dagger gifted to her by Daemon upon her last visit a few weeks prior. Ahsoka slowly stalked forward, listening for signs of anything. "My love." Came from in from of the fireplace. The chair turned facing the ways of the flames, but Ahsoka knew who it was.

 The chair turned facing the ways of the flames, but Ahsoka knew who it was

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"Aemond. What are you doing in my chambers?" She said as she sheathed her dagger. He stood and turned to face her. The flames illuminate the side of his face. His gaze looks stone cold. Ahsoka is concerned that something is wrong.

Ahsoka: Are you okay?
Aemond: Hmm.
Ahsoka: Aemond, please talk to me.
Aemond: Was that Jaxton Lannister I saw with you?
Ahsoka: Yes, he stopped me.
Aemond: And that's all?
Ahsoka: What are you saying?
Aemond: You looked comfortable amongst the wildlings. Perhaps you plan to make it a more permanent situation. Lady Stark.
Ahsoka: Stop. You know your mother sent us away from each other. I was just getting to know him. If he's going to be following me around every day, I should at least talk to him.
Aemond: I think. *steps closer* You wanted me to watch. I think you wanted me to squirm, knowing I couldn't do anything about it.
Ahsoka: *steps closer* You know that's not true, my love.
Aemond: Do I?
Ahsoka: Aemond. I can not change how you feel. I am sorry for being the reason for your discomfort, but I didn't do anything wrong.

Aemond and Ahsoka are now standing chest to chest.

Aemond: Say it. You know what I speak of.
Ahsoka: Aemond... I'm yours. I always have been.
Aemond: *tilts her chin up* Say it again.
Ahsoka: I. Ahsoka Velaryon. Give myself to you. Aemond Targaryen.

This makes Aemonds heart flutter as he studies the features of her face. Staring at her lips, he speaks. "If either of those bastards speaks to you in a way unbecoming. You will tell me. Do you understand my Blue Star?" Ahsoka nodded, and with that, Aemond kissed her. The kiss was rough and deep. Full of lust. Aemond had to show Ahsoka that he was the one for her. He knew she loved her, but he also knew of her loving nature. He was afraid that in her care for her protectors that she might fall in love with them.

Aemond breaks the kiss and holds Ahsoka by the waist. Staring into her eyes. Her piercing violet eyes. Her pure Valyrian blood shined through and drove Aemond mad.

Aemond: Our children will have your pure blooded features.
Ahsoka: Ah yes. Our "Pure Dragons" How many did you say we'd have?
Aemond: At least a dozen if it suits us.
Ahsoka: Hmm. You realize I am the one to carry the babes. All of them.
Aemond: And how beautiful you will look. Round with my child.
Ahsoka: I wonder how pregnancy will affect my magic. More or less control?
Aemond: I wonder if our children will have your power.
Ahsoka: Or maybe they'll become stronger?
Aemond: Show me? I've never seen *snickers*
Ahsoka: I shall show you one thing. The rest you shall wait for my celebration. Step back.

Aemond took a step back, his heart beating in anticipation. Ahsoka closes her eyes and takes a breath. Aemond watches her with curiosity. A small gasp left his lips as he gazed upon the princesses, now glowing eyes. He, of course, had heard of her abilities but has never seen them before. Ahsoka spoke to him in a somewhat echoing voice (E/V)

Ahsoka: (E/V) It's okay. I promise.
Aemond: I trust you.

Aemond didn't really trust anyone, so that was a massive step forward for him. Ahsoka moved her hands and little volts of lightning dances around her palms. Aemond took a step closer, admiring Ahsoka for everything she way. "That's extraordinary!" He said. Ahsoks gives him a smile before allowing the lightning to fade. She looks up with her eyes still glowing and looks to the fireplace. Aemond turns his head only to see a ball of fire floating  in the air. Ahsoka stepped to the side and stuck out her hand. Immediately, the ball of fire landed in her hand now, turning blue. Ahsoka holds the fire in her hands just in front of her. Looking to Aemond with glee as the look of amazement had never left his face. She sends the ball back into the fireplace, which turns it blue. She laughed as Aemond wrapped his arm around her. Pulling her to the bed. The two of them lay there in a comfortable silence with Aemonds head on Ahsoka chest tracing her belly. She had fallen asleep not long after, to which Aemond walked to the other side of the bed so he could place a kiss on Ahsokas cheek. "I'll give you everything good in this world. Starting with our family. Happy Nameday, my love."

Ahsoka woke early the next morning and prepared for her sparing in the training yard. She had Elaena help her put her hair in the traditional dreadlocks style of House Velaryon, adorned with multiple cowrie shells. Ahsoka always styled her hair like this when she was about to fight. With her short sword on her left hip and her long blade on her right. Along with a dagger in her left boot. She makes her way to test her protectors. To see what they're capable of. But also to show everyone how much better she's gotten at sword play. Since her awakening, she has gained more speed, agility, and strength overall. Now, being able to lift a man by the throat, she knows because of a man back at Driftmark who would not take her commands while sailing. She was indeed still a show off, and she couldn't wait for tonight.


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