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129 AC. Dragonstone

2 moons after the wedding

Princess Rhaenyra has had zero contact with her daughter since her wedding to her uncle Aemond. Rhaenyras half brother. Princess Rhaenyra was set to give birth soon to what she hoped was a baby girl. She prayed for one swearing to always love her better than she did her first so as not to lose her. Rhaenyra was with Jacaerys in the throne room while he practiced his High Valyrian.

Jace: Come on, Jace. Perhaps that's enough for this morning. No, no. I want to keep going. Aegon... ordered that the trees should be... killed.
Rhaenyra: Felled. It is a related word. I don't expect you to learn High Valyrian in a day, Jace.
Jace: *sighs* A king should honor the traditions of his forbears.
Rhaenyra: Well... unless you're planning to depose your own mother, you have plenty of time to study.

Rhaenyra looked at the way Jaces face contorted in anger. Not towards his mother but to himself. With a slow stride, she makes her way over to him. Dismissing the maester teaching him High Valyrian.

Rhaenyra: Look at me.
Jace: *sighs/looks*
Rhaenyra: What is this really about? Hm? Why the sudden rush to learn the language? In Kings Landing, you never showed much interest.
Jace: I was a child.
Rhaenyra: Jace.
Jace: *sighs* Ahsoka is fluent.
Rhaenyra: This is about your sister?
Jace: Isn't everything? The Blue Star. And all the rest of it. She can hold a conversation with Daemon for hours speaking nothing but High Valyrian.
Rhaenyra: *sighs* Jace. Your sister... she's...
Jace: "The perfect image of Old Valyria."
Rhaenyra: What?
Jace: That's what Aemond said at their wedding feast. Ahsoka is the perfect image of Old Valyria, unlike me.
Rhaenyra: Jace *interrupted*
Jace: My whole life. She's been given everything I've craved. Love and attention. The Greens love her so much that they brought her to live with them.
Rhaenyra: Ahsoka is in the capital because that is her place to be. She must stay with her lord husband.
Jace: Aemond took the Velaryon name, mother. Remember? That means technically, Aemond is supposed to follow Ahsoka to wherever she wants to live. Which is with them.
Rhaenyra: She's still your sister.
Jace: Mother, she betrayed us!
Daemon: No.

The pair are met with Daemon, who entered the room with a dragon egg in hand for the cradle of his unborn child. He is appalled at Jacaerys for his words.

Jace: What do you mean, no? She married that snake. And she now lays with him.
Daemon: He may be a snake, yes, but Ahsoka is no traitor.
Jace: She chose him instead of me!
Daemon: Can you blame her?
Rhaenyra: Daemon!
Daemon: No. Truly. After how you've treated her growing up, can you blame her for not wanting you?
Jace: You don't know what you are talking about. You weren't there.
Daemon: *sighs* Ahsoka. Is a part of this family. And to call her anything other than that. Is pushing her into the hands of our enemies. Otto is probably already trying to charm her.
Jace: They can have her.
Daemon: JACAERYS! If she turns on us, we won't stand a chance. She was sent by the gods. Placed directly into your mother's womb. Brought her back from the dead *clears throat* and gifted her. She is every part of Old Valyria.
Jace: Go ahead. Sing her praises and throw flowers at her feet like everyone else does.
Rhaenyra: Jace *interrupted*
Jace: No. Go on. The perfect, true born daughter. White curls I don't have. Violet eyes I don't have. Magic, I don't have.
Daemon: *sigh* Take a break. I need to speak to your mother.

 I need to speak to your mother

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Jace storms off. He can't take the fact that everyone. Including Daemon talks about how perfect his older sister was. "Oh, the Blue star. Oh, a general. Oh, do you shit Valyrian steel ingots?" Whatever. She was nothing more than a low-life traitor to their family.

Later that day

The family was eating dinner while Rhaenyra was in her chambers. She had been really uncomfortable all day, so she thought it best to get some rest. Daemon sat at the table with his family, enjoying company when a maester walked into the room with a letter. It was marked with a blue seahorse, so it had to be Ahsoka. The Velaryons didn't keep much contact with Dragonstone unless it was about their granddaughters Baela and Rhaena.

Maester: My Prince. A letter from the capital.
Daemon: Ah. Ahsoka!

Jace rolls his eyes at the revelation. Daemon breaks the seal and reads the letter sent.

Mother. Daemon,

I am writing to you with wonderful news. I am with child! Aemond had known since our wedding. He said he had a dream of a son who looked just like me. At first, I wasn't sure if I believed him. But then I was. And now. Two moons after. The maesters confirmed it. I am with child. I am carrying a son inside of me, and I can not wait for you to meet him. I know tension is high with our families, but I would love to have you all join me in my welcoming of my little prince. I love you all. And I wish to see you soon.

With all love,

Daemon smiled at this. He had no doubts there would be a child soon. But right away? Rhaena looked up from helping little Aegon eat to her father.

Rhaena: Father? What is it?

All eyes turn to Daemon

Daemon: Tis your sister Ahsoka.
Luke: *gasp* Is she alright?
Daemon: *chuckles* Calm yourself. She is well. She. Is pregnant.
Jace: What?!
Luke: She's with child? Already?
Daemon: HA! Yes. It seems your new brother works quickly.
Jace: He is not our brother.
Rhaena: He is by law. Ahsoka is our sister. That makes Aemond our brother.
Jace: He's a cunt. And she's a *interrupted*
Daemon: *slams hand on table* You will say no more.
Jace: *sigh/eye roll*

Rhaena takes the letter from her father and reads it.

Rhaena: She says she's to have a son?
Luke: She thinks she'll have a boy?
Rhaena: It seems more assured than a mere guess. *hands Luke the letter*
Luke: Aemond had a dream...
Jace: Oh, how interesting. The One-Eyed Prince had a dream.
Luke: It says that he drempt of a little boy the night of their wedding.
Jace: So he thinks he saw the future and everyone just believes him?
Rhaena: Considering that we have magic in our blood that lets us bond with dragons, I don't see it that far of a stretch.
Jace: Yes, well *interrupted by screams*

The family is pulled from conversation by the sound of Rhaenyra screaming. They all stand to rush to her chambers, where they find her in a pool of blood. Her baby...

It took three days for Rhaenyra to push through the labor. Eventually giving birth to a stillborn babe. A girl. Just like she wanted. But not. The baby was born with defects such as scales, wings, and a hole in the center of her chest. Rhaenyra was so devastated that she didn't even take the news of her daughters pregnancy to heart. Instead, she grew angry. "My Visenya..." was all she could say.


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