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(This chapter contains mentions of abuse and sexual coercion.)

Angel ran as fast as he could, his lungs burning and his legs going numb. A small flame of hope flickered inside his chest as he saw the hotel off in the distance. He prayed Alastor, Husk, or even Vaggie would save him.

Normally he would rather die than drag others into his problems but this situation was serious. He thought it was just going to be a normal day at work...


Angel entered the studio, the familiar smell of cheap booze and Valentino's smoke filled the room. Three large men stood in front of him holding knifes, for once Angel was scared.

"Oh Angie, change of plans. We're not doing the regular stuff today. A rich client has had her eyes on you for a while and she'd like to see you cut up. Lay down and we'll sharpen the knifes." Valentino swirled a gilded cup in his hands, occasionally taking a sip.

"What?! Cut up!?" Angel shrieked, he wasn't prepared for this.

"Ugh relax baby." Valentino's voice carried disgust at Angel's hesitation. "We're not gonna kill you or cut off any limbs, you're too valuable for that. We're just gonna slice into you a little!"

"Hell no, that's fuckin' crazy! There's no way i'm doing that!" Angel immediately regreted saying that as Valentino paused. He threw his drink across the room in anger, crashing into one of the makeup artists head.

"What the HELL did you just say?!" Valentino stood up from his chair and grabbed onto all four of Angel's arms. "Did you just fucking refuse me?! Do you know how much i've done for you, you ungrateful slut!" He began to drag Angel towards the set, a dungeon that the artists were still splattering fake blood on.

Angel squirmed in his grasp, he didn't want to do this. He'd dealt with painful sex before but this was too much, the knifes were about as long as his arms. In his desperate flailings he accidentally stepped on the leg of a camera, it fell directly on Valentino. Valentino collapsed to the floor and Angel ran for the door, terrified of what he'd do.

"WHAT THE FUCK ANGEL?!" Valentino staggered to his feet, clutching his right eye and staring at the blood pouring out of his blood. "Oh that's it, i've put up with your recent disobedience for long enough."

Valentino pulled out a small gun from the inside of his coat and fired. Luckily he missed by several feet. Angel fled as fast as he could.


As Angel was just about to shut the front door of the hotel, a bullet wizzed through his hands. He locked the door before screaming.

"What's wrong?! What happened?!" Vaggie quickly rushed out, followed closely by Nifty. A bullet shattered a some nearby vases.

"No, I just dusted those!" Nifty shrieked and tried to run towards them but was dragged back by Vaggie.

"Angel, what happened?" Vaggie was trying to keep calm.

"I told Valentino today's work was too much for me and he freaked out!"

"Shit... you keep an eye on Nifty and i'l-" As Vaggie pulled out her spear a bullet crashed through the door and lodged itself in her chest. "Fuck!" Vaggie collapsed to the floor.

"Where's Alastor?!" Angel crawled over to her.

"I don't know! Him, Lucifer, and Pentious all left to go do shit!" Vaggie coughed up golden blood. Angel started to cry. Who was gonna save them? Vaggie was starting to loose consciousness, Val owned his soul, and Nifty was too small to do anything!

"Vaggie?" Charlie turned the corner, rubbing her eyes. "VAGGIE!" She screamed and ran over. "Oh my god, are you okay?! Answer me Vaggie!" Charlie shook Vaggie but she didn't respond. She was still breathing but she wasn't moving. "What happened?!"

"Val is after me!" The door was kicked off it's hinges and Valentino stood their slowly spinning the pistol in his fingers.

"Angie baby, please just come back and I won't hurt a soul here." Valentino raised his gun at Charlie. Angel took a step forward and was pushed back.

"Take Vaggie, find Husk, and get out of here." Charlie was pissed. Horns started to slowly sprout out of her head.

"You think i'm scared of you, you're a dumb bitch who thinks life is all cupcakes and rainbows." Valentino pulled the trigger. Angel closed his eyes, terrified. When he didn't hear a scream or falling over, he opened his eyes. Charlie rubbed the small mark on her forehead and kicked the discarded bullet off to the side.

"You forget, i'm still the daughter of Lucifer." Valentino's eyes grew wide as he shot at her more, all the bullets bounced off of her. "Who do you think you are?! Hurting my friends!"

As Charlie got more and more angry, her body started to change. The sight of Vaggie's blood splattered across the ground made her see red.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!" Valentino went for the door but it slammed closed, seemingly on it's own. She grabbed him by the throat and tossed him to the ground.

As she summoned a pitchfork and pointed it at his throat, Valentino realized he made a mistake.

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