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Angel Dust woke up early to the sound of clattering and hissing coming from outside. He cautiously opened the door to find a weird little red creature eating the garbage outside.

"Oh my god!" Angel shrieked, taking a few steps back."Charlie, there's a weird fuckin' cat outside and it looks like Alastor!"

Angel wasn't wrong, the cat was mostly red with black at the tips of it's ears and tail, it had a monocle, antlers, a bow tie, and that same creepy smile. The resemblance to Alastor was uncanny.

The tiny creature hissed and screeched at him. Angel took a few more steps back and ended up bumping into Charlie, quickly followed by Vaggie.

"What the fuck is that?!" Vaggie took out her spear.

"Awwwww, it's kind of cute!" Charlie reached out to pet it but they both stopped her.

"Honey, it's got blood stains on it's teeth. Don't touch it."

"We should get creepy face in on this. It looks just like him, he'd react funny." Angel smirked to himself. "Hey, strawberry pimp! Get down here!" He shouted.

"Are you ever going to call me by my actual name?" The static voice was hard before Alastor actually teleported. Angel was about to respond with something sarcastic but Alastor stopped him. "What is that?"

The filthy creature stopped it's horrid noises and actually started meowing. Well, it's bastardized version of meowing. It was raspy and had a radio effect, it couldn't be a coincidence.

"Why does it look like me?!" Alastor seemed slightly disgusted but mostly intrigued.

"I'm gonna call it... 'Cat Alastor'!" Charlie clapped her hands several times.

"I say we kill it before Charlie gets attached." Alastor sneered and dodged the creature trying to rub against his ankles.

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