Emily's Downfall

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(This chapter contains graphic descriptions of violence. It also tales place after the finale)

Sera opened the door to Emily's room to find her doodling on a small notebook, decorated with colorful stickers.

"Oh, Sera? What are you doing here?" Emily tilted her head.

"I-I'm sorry Emily..." Sera's voice cracked and tears welled up in her eyes.

"What's wrong?! Are you okay?!" Emily rushes over to Sera. Her breath hitched as Sera grabbed her wings roughly. "Ow! What are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry, Micheal's orders. I warned you, you can't question heaven." Sera pulled at her wings and Emily screamed, it hurt horribly.

She'd never felt pain before, this was so unfamiliar to her and she hated it. Blood dripped down her back as Sera ripped her wings off. Emily wondered if their conversation a week ago was the cause for this.


"It's just not fair Sera!" Emily shouted, slamming her fist in the gilded table. "The sinners showed clear evidence of redemption so why can't we bring them up here!"

"Emily, be quiet." Sera scolded, her eye twitched from annoyance. "If the elders hear you, you will be punished!"

"That's messed up! If the elders are so against good and redemption, maybe they're wrong!" Sera went silent, shocked at the display of disobedience.


The agonizing pain only increased as the wings were ripped from her back and tossed to the floor. The ground under her opened, the clouds slowly disapating.

"Sera! Don't do this!" Tears streamed down her face, she hyperventilated and snot clogged her nose.

"Just know this, I love you Emily." One of her hands softly cupped her cheek to stabilize her as Sera kissed her forehead. The other hand pulled her halo off and pushed her through the newly made hole.

As Emily fell through, the hole quickly closed. Sera finally let the tears fall, she clutched Emily's discarded wings and halo close to her chest.

"Don't cry Seraphim, it was necessary. We can always make a new one." Sera turned to find Micheal's imposing figure standing over her.


"You're a surprisingly good cook, dad!" Charlie smiled and stuffed her face with more pancakes.

Lucifer opened his mouth to brush off the praise but was interrupted by Vaggie rushing to the balconey and staring out into the distance.

"Vaggie?" Charlie questioned hesitantly. Vaggie jumped off the balcony and flew up into the air. "Vaggie?!" Lucifer quickly followed her.

The sound of screaming got louder and louder as Vaggie caught Emily just before she hit the ground. Her golden blood seeped through Vaggie's finger.

"Emily!" Vaggie cried, concerned for the angel in her arms. She slowly lowered her to the ground. "What happened?!"

"S-Sera... sh- AH!" Emily let out a pained scream as long, curled horns burst from her head. She curled up into ball, yelling in agony.

Lucifer placed a hand on her back and a soft yellow glow emanated from his palms. Emily's screaming and heavy breathing slowed.

By the time she had calmed down, Charlie, Angel Dust, and Alastor had made their way to her. Charlie held up a hankercheif to her nose and let her blow into it, preventing her from gagging and choking on her own snot.

"Hey, Emily. It's all going to be okay. Me and Vaggie went through this too. I'm here for you, now just tell us what happened." Lucifer rubbed a hand along her back.

"I-I pushed too hard so Sera banished me, I can't believe she'd do that!" Emily smacked her fists onto her thighs. "I thought she loved me!"

"Come on, let's get you inside." Vaggie picked her up and carried her inside the hotel, Charlie was rushing to get medical supplies, and Lucifer stared up into the sky.

He remembered all the fun times he'd had with Sera and was pissed she'd betray her own sister like that. He knew, he was going to get revenge.

(Okay, so. It's canon that Lucifer gave birth to Charlie, should I write smut of Lilith getting him pregnant or no? Let me know in the comments.)

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