HuskerDust Headcanons

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The first time they fucked it was super awkward because Husk hadn't had sex in decades and Angel hadn't had sex with someone he loved in even longer

The next morning Angel was bragging to Cherri on the phone how good Husk was in bed

Angel was also loud af, the whole underworld heard him

Will sometimes wear Angel's shoes when his feet hurt, it's fun for Husk too cause he gets to be tall

Alastor threatens Husk with hurting Angel if he disobeys after learning of their relationship

Angel feels guilty for fucking another people at work but Husk reassures him

Angel is so used to people only seeing him as a sex toy that when Husk just wants to cuddle it confuses him

Charlie asked them to go on a double date but Angel and Vaggie said no

If Valentino found out, he'd definitely kill Husk

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