The Devil Is Really Tempting

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(Thank you to Danny on ao3 for requesting a chapter with a transmasc reader.)

You had been friends with Charlie for centuries. Some of your earliest memories were being 150 and sneaking into her mom's bedroom to steal her hair dye. Charlie's emo phase was... interesting to say the least.

You had met almost everyone close to her, except her dad. You rested your head on the bar and sipped the delicious drink Husk has made you, when the most attractive man you've ever seen walked into the hotel.

"Oh, hey dad!" Charlie smiled and embraced him in a hug. Your jaw hit the floor. Not only were you in the presence of Lucifer himself, but he was hot as fuck! You double checked yourself in the mirror before approaching him.

"Hey, you're Mr. Morningstar right? Or should I say Lucifer?" You punctuated your sentence by tucking a hair behind your ear. A wide, sharp smile spread across his white face. "I'm Y/-"

"Lucifer is fine and I know your name, Charlie has told me all about you." He said confidently and looked to his side to find Charlie had left off to go take care of the hotel. "It's been a while since i've visited here, do you think you could show me to a room?"

"Sure, i'd be happy to. Lucifer~" You uttered his name in a sing-song tone. He followed you closely behind. He looked you up and down, eyes lingering in places they shouldn't be. He knew he probably shouldn't be lusting after Charlie's friend but... these past millenias have been so lonely. He walked with his hands behind his back, using that to discretely slip the ring off his finger and placing it in his pocket.

You entered the room and flopped onto the bed, feeling the soft, silk sheets between your fingers. Staring into those deep amber eyes.

"Whatcha waiting for, your highness? You gonna join me?"

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