The Stock Market Crash Of 1929 With A Side Of Bug Soup

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(In this chapter there will be emotional manipulation, sexual harassment, gross bug stuff and Alastor just being a bad person in general)

Alastor loomed over the television as an ad for Voxtech lit up the screen. Distain filled his eyes but his pristine yellow smile stayed.

Memories of that TV-Headed bastard leaning over tables and trying to grab his thighs filled his brain with a need for violence.

"Voxtech, trust us with your environment!"

"The only thing your involvement would do is make the process longer and harder..." Alastor muttered under his breath.

His angry monologue was interrupted by a loud moan and the sound of some pillows falling to the floor.

"You know what else is long and hard?~" Angel's whiny, seductive voice rang through the halls as he draped himself over the couch. He dragged his finger over his thigh and stuck his chest out, showing off his fluff.

"The stock market crash of 1929?" Alastor's neck snapped backwards, his ears touching his spine. Angel was startled by this horrifying display and fell off the couch.

"Not what I meant... you do seem pretty flexible though." Angel quickly recovered and stood up, his head swaying back and forth slightly as he spoke in a sing-song tone.

No sign of Alastor's near outburst at Vox's mention was visible. Although his eye twitched at Angel's persistent harassment.

"Oh?" Alastor's head stayed facing Angel while the rest of his body slowly turned. "I'm flexible? We should see how far you can stretch!" A blush spread across Angel's face.

"Oh-Ho yeah! Are ya finally fuck me creepy voice?!" Angel was filled with excitement until Alastor's eyes slowly changed into dials and the static in his voice slowly became more pronounced.

"No! I'm going to tie one end of you to a car, and the other to the ground! I wonder how long it'd take before you're ripped in twain!" Alastor got real close to Angel's face and dug his nails into his arms. "I for one, am curious!"

The red glow of Alastor's angry eyes illuminated the terrified face in front of him.

"F-Fine! I'll stop hittin' on you, you creepy dick! Now lemme go!" Alastor's smile grew wider, knowing he had an ace up his sleeve.

"Wow, you only stop sexually harrasing me when you're forced to? You sound an awful lot like a certain moth." Angel's jaw nearly hit the floor.

"How do you know about him?!" The sclera of his eyes turned black and a third set of arms emerged from his lower torso, clearly threatened.

"I know alot more than you think i d-" Alastor released Angel and pushed him to the side, staring at something across the hall. "Nifty?"

Nifty giggled and scittered across the floor. A blush and creepy expression was visible on her face.

"Oh, Alastor! You're being such a bad boy!~" Nifty ran up to Alastor and clutched onto his coat. "Are you gonna kill him?! Can I watch?!" Nifty drooled on the floor.

"Oh no, that was just a measly warning! He gets to live... for now. What were you doing here in the first place?" Seeing the adorable little psychopath put Alastor in a far better mood.

"I made dinner! You should see it! Come on!" Alastor made his way to the dinner table but Angel was far too angry and embarrassed to sit down.

Nifty held out a bowl of unidentifiable green goop topped with dead, disfigured roaches. Their guts spilled out.

A horrified Husk stood at the other side of the room, frozen with a bottle pressed to his lips.

"Nifty, what are you doin?! The hell is that?! There's no way anyone in the entire pentagram would eat tha- OH WHAT THE FUCK?!" Husk gagged as Alastor unhinged his jaw and poured the disgusting substance down his throat.

"Hm, delicious! Although, could use a bit more salt." Husk groaned.

"I'm goin' to bed..."

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