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(This chapter contains VERY strong language)

Rosie smoothed out her skirt and placed a plate of beignets on their shared table. Alastor sipped on the expensive tea he acquired just for this occasion.

"You wouldn't believe the things that I had to deal with today!" Alastor tilted his head curiously, interested in his friend's story.

"Honestly, you're so lucky you're an ace in the hole because all of the romantic problems they tell me about are horrendous!" Her hands rested on her cheeks.

"Yes, I always assumed I was superior for not worrying about such things." A smug expression spread across Alastor's pale face.

"Yes, men are terrible. No wonder I ate both of my husbands!" Both of them burst out into uproarious laughter.

Their fun lunch was interrupted by a familiar old crone. Her grating, hoarse voice rung throughout the town.

"Would you be fuckin' quiet?! I'm trying to read the newspaper!" Susan screeched at the two. She didn't care that Rosie ruled over the town she lived in, she didn't care that they were both powerful overlords, and she didn't care that she was waking up half the pentagram.

"Susan, you know you're being far louder than me or Alastor ever were right?" Rosie's eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, you are being terribly uncouth right now. Why don't you quit being a bitch? It'd be far easier on everyone."  Alastor's ears flattened. (AIRPLANE EARS)

"I don't care, you were disturbing me first! Go cry about it to your whoreish cunt of a mother!" As the words left Susan's mouth, the whole of cannibal town went silent. Even the birds fluttering atop the roof stopped chirping.

"Oh dear." Rosie uttered, she was aware of Alastor's sensitivity about anything relating to mothers. "Alastor, please think this through."

Alastor was too angry to listen to her, he knew her advice was probably for the best but he was too busy thinking about wringing Susan's neck.

Alastor stood, thick black tentacles erupted out of his back and green symbols appeared around him. Susan's face slowly fell, realizing she might have pushed it too far...

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