Look what the cat dragged in

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This is prob very cringe and I'm sorry, can't say I didn't warn you and pls 

Chuuya freezed at the touch of a bandaged hand grabbing his wrist, he flinched.

"Y-" Dazais nails clawed into the smaller's wrist "Can I stay here for a while?" He said quickly, quietly hissing and whimpering at the pain inflicted by his partner

"Sure" Mme Pomefrey said, paying no attention to sene. Dazai let go of Chuuyas hand as the elder left, once they heard the curtains being drawn and the door to the hospital room close shut Chuuyas hand met with Dazais face.

"What did you do that for!?" Chuuya yelled, repetitively slapping Dazai in the face "that really hurt you know!"

"Well apparently it didn't hurt that bad if you still can slap me that hard" Dazai chuckled, rubbing his sore cheek "anyways" he said, steering away from the subject "Did you really pick this out for me?" He said eyeing the tray of food 

"yeah and what of it" Chuuya avoided eye contact "Aww how thoughtful!~ my loyal dog brought his master food"

"I'm not your dog, jack ass" Chuuya growled "I did it because I was told to"

"If you say so" Dazai teased "but look~ you even got me crab! Did my precious Chuu-Chuu really remember his masters favorite food"

"Don't call me that" he paused "and I'm not yours"

"Keep telling yourself that Chuu-ya~" the younger smirked, playing with the ice cube and his card board straw in his glass cup

The ginger scowled at the brunette "anyways, why did you grab my wrist? Do you want to tell me something"Chuuya still glaring at the taller.

"nope" Dazai said popping the 'P' "I just wanted to mark you in privet" (A/N it's not what it sounds like I promise ||Unrelated but my foot fell asleep and I can't  move it||)

His stomach did a weird summersault"Don't say stuff like that so flippantly!" Chuuya shrieked in a higher voice than he intended, earning Dazai another slap in it the face "and plus we weren't even in private, Mme Pomfrey was right there!"

"It's your fault for having such a dirty mind" Dazai retorted "plus I could've ment something totally different"

"Yeah right" Chuuya growled "well when are you gonna start eating, it's almost noon" the smaller asked, tilting his head at the tray of food that he had brought for the brunette.

"I'll eat later"Dazai promised "for now I just want to spend time with you. I haven't been able to do it for a while."

Chuuya felt the stomach do another weird flip why was he acting so affectionate and weird all of a sudden? "Quit feeding me tall tales, mackerel."

"If you wanna think it's a lie then that's your choice Dazai said, putting his hands up in a ' I have been  defeated' sort of gesture

Chuuya ignored Dazais statement " anyways" he said " since I'm here I might as well tell you something"

"Oh~what Did the cat drag in?"

Chuuya snarled " On the wall on the third floor Seamus's dead body was found under a note written, in gothic letters on the wall." He explained

"And what was written?" Dazai asked

"Hush or your next" Chuuya quoted.

Dazai stayed silent. Chuuya noticed that Dazais hands were on his lap, his right hands thumb was massaging in a circling motion the palm of his left hand.Chuuya has seen his partner to this many times, he did it when ever he was trying to come to a conclusion about something. Suddenly, the massaging stopped and Dazai grinned to himself.

"What do you think it means?" Dazai asked the smaller

Chuuya groaned "Oh great, now your gonna tease me?" 

"Yup! Now tell me, who do you thing did it" Chuuya stayed silent, racking his brain "here, since my little Chibi is so slow I'll give you a hint: Our little rat friend"

Chuuyas eyes widened "You think that's who did it?"

Dazai nodded "Im positive, Chuuya, do you perhaps read the Daily profit?" Dazai asked. Chuuya shook his head "well there was this section in it" Dazai continued "And it was a small review written by Rita skeeter, it briefly explained what the champions did to defeat their victims, and for Fyodore, Rita explained that once the dragon got close to him, it died with out a single scratch on him" Dazai finished

"Do you know why Doevesky would do that?" Chuuya whispered

"I have a theory" Dazai admitted his arm brushing against Chuuyas thigh, Chuuya eyed him, but remained his position

"Spit it out" he ordered "I don't think you should be the one giving orders here Chuuya" Dazai said, motioning for him ho sit on his bed

"Well, a couple days ago hermione got ahold of a manga, one that had both of our faces on it, it was titled Bungou stray Dogs"

Yay, another chapter is out. I hope you liked this one, I think This is what wattpad readers consider as fluff but im not sure...I'm sorry if parts of this was cringe (I warned you) I'm new to writing fluff but I tried.if you have any suggestions please comment. I'll be sure to add more soukoku in the following chapters.I'm also thinking about adding possessive Dazai Because it seems  canon and Fun to read but not completely sure if that's a good idea.Thank you for reading.

Unrelated but my foot fell asleep and I changed the cover- in doing so I gained 1 more commenter


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