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Cool, dry grass brushes my feet as I run through trees. The cold air flies past my face and slips through my hair. Oh, the feeling of being free. I jump up and grab onto a branch, swinging myself  upwards and placing my feet on the bark. 

I jump from tree to tree leaving claw marks as I pass along. As I hop I look down to see Sylvia running alongside Seyphir. Sylvia and Seyphir were twin wolves. They were wandering around me and mama's house looking for food. They were both white and gray coated. Took'em in when they were pups. We've been together ever since. 

Even if dragons were their predators, they saw me as a wolf, and I was honored that they saw me as their own. Even if they were supposed to be my prey, I saw them as ohana. Ohana, means family. 

I jump down and Sylvia moves out the way giving me space to run with them. She barks at me and I growl back. 

 I don't care if we had our differences, if our ancestors had differences, that would never change our relationship. No matter what, they were ohana, and nothing would even happen to my family on my watch. 

I look up ahead to see an oncoming cliff. If I could be a wolf, I would. Running through the forest with no care. Howling at the moon at night, being free with no restrictions, a lovely thing. But, that could be another lifetime, because...

I pick up my pace before stopping and extending my wings.

I could live this life as a dragon!

I howl as I take off, pieces of rock falling off the cliff as I sore through the sky. I look back at Syl and Seph as they howl. 

I flip through the air before flattening my fall by tackling the twin wolves. We flip and tumble backwards until stopping and falling on the ground. Sylvia nips me and slaps me in the head with her tail as I smile at her.

I hear a loud horn sound coming from a shell. My ears perk up and I look towards the sound. It was a long pitch, then ending with two short honks. That was mama's shell. Awh man, time to go home already.


yall I am so sorry I've been gone for so long. I got grounded. but I put my account on my computer so I'll be uploading from it for now on until I get my phone again. I can upload on school weeks now

like always I dont own this show. People have already done this. Fuck this idea is so not original. But its based off my head scenarios so lets gooooo!!!!

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