Dragons & Vikings

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Toothless purrs in Hiccups face. Growling and making many noises to wake him up.

Hiccup, get up! Toothless growls.

Hiccup slowly opens his eyes. Toothless nudges his face.

"Hey Toothless," Hiccup greeted him softly.
Toothless nudges him even more, happy that he's awake.

"I'm happy to see you, too, buddy," Toothless nuzzles in his face.

"Aw- uh, I'm in my house," Hiccup processes his surroundings. He then looks at Toothless who's whole body was wagging.

"Uh, you're in my house," Toothless runs around the house.

"Does my dad know you're here? Uh.. What? Oh, ok, ok," Toothless runs around the house. "Ok, Toothless, no. No, Toothless." Toothless crawls around the house, like a curious cat. 

"Get down! Or else your going out!" Hiccup looks over at Merida. Merida was carrying a bucket, but dropped it as she cover her mouth with her hands.

Hiccup smiles and waves, Merida then tackles him in a hug.

"It's good to see you too," Hiccup pat her back as she squeezes him tight, cracks coming from his back.

"Ok, ok. Merida, your kinda choking me back here!" Merida realizes how tight she was hugging him and lets him go.

"I am so sorry. How are you feeling?" Merida looked at him, holding his cheek.

"I'm okay. How are you?" Hiccup help the hand that was holding his cheek.

"Never better," Merida answered.

Toothless then hops down from the wooden pillar he was climbing on, sitting down in-front of Hiccup and Merida. Merida looks at Hiccups prosthetic leg, as well as Hiccup.

Hiccup puts his feet on the ground, wearing a prosthetic leg. Toothless sniffs it and looks at Hiccup.

"Need me to count for you?" Merida asked.

"Yes, please," Hiccup answered.

"Ok. On the count of three, 1, 2, 3." Hiccup then slowly stands, using the bed to help him. He lets go of the bed and tries to take a step forward, he falls and Merida goes to catch him by Toothless does as he was closer.

"Ok. Thanks, bud." Hiccup walks, leaning on Toothless.

"Do you need water? A rag? Towel?" Merida asked Hiccup several questions, Hiccup saying no every time.

Hiccup opens the door but closes it when he sees Monstrous Nightmare.

"Toothless, Merida, stay here." Toothless and Merida look at each other and shrug. Hiccup opens the door wider to see Snotlout riding the Monstrous Nightmare.

"Come on, guys. Get ready! Hold on right here we go!" Snotlout yelled, the gang following him. Hiccup looks around to see any dragons on houses and walking through the village.

"What?" Hiccup walks out, Merida and Toothless following behind.

"So, what do you think?" Merida looked at him.

"I knew it, I'm dead." Merida immediately starts bust out laughing.

"Your not dead Hiccup. Your free! We're free!" Merida exclaimed. Stoick also laughing, patting Hiccup on the back.

"She's right, you're not. But, you gave it your best shot. So, what do you think?" Stoick asked Hiccup this time.

A Viking points out that Hiccups here. All the Viking run over to him.

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