Flying with a dragon

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Merida flies beside Hiccup and Toothless.

"I can't believe it, you guys are actually flying!" Merida exclaimed, her eyes dilating.

"Yeah, almost can't believe it. Ok, bud. We're gonna take this nice and slow, advice from the pretty lady," Hiccup glances at Merida.

He's seriously been getting comfortable with doing that.

"Here we go, here we go. Position... 3, no 4." Hiccup looks over the drawing on the paper. Hiccup adjust the foot pedal and the fin extends.

"Y'know, you shouldn't rely on the paper, there will be a time when you won't have the paper. Trust each other, as if your one." Merida informed Hiccup before taking off and zipping through the sky.

She flies up high, and then drops in front of Hiccup and Toothless.

"Merida!" Hiccup looks down worried. But Merida glides back up. Howling to the sun.

"Alright, you ready?" Merida asked, pumped up. Hiccup nods and both Toothless and Merida fly downwards. Their wings tucked in, before hitting the water their wings extend again and they glide over the water at fast speed. Merida letting her hand drag in the water.

"Come on buddy! Come on buddy!" They fly between a rock, birds flying above them.

"Oh, how I love being a dragon!" Merida spins and holds her arms out. Toothless roars in agreement. Hiccup just smiles at her. To think we could ever be scared of a half-dragon if they act like this. All they want is to be free. All dragons want to be free.

"Yes, it worked!" Hiccup exclaimed. Merida cheering them on but winces as Toothless hits a rock platform. Hiccup apologies to Toothless in advance as they hit another rock platform. Toothless then slaps Hiccup with his ear.

"Yeah, I'm on it. Position four. Uh, three." Merida then suddenly lands on Toothless, sitting behind Hiccup. Hiccup then looks at her confused.

"What? I wanted to see what was all the fun about riding a dragon," Toothless then goes upwards. Merida instinctively wraps her arms around Hiccup.

"Oh, this is amazing!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"You see? This is what it feels like to be free! No Vikings, not having to worry about be trapped, captured, just living your own world! Soaring through skies! Swimming through lakes! Exploring different islands! This is what it means to be free! Being able to have the will to live how you want to live your life!" Just then, the sheet Hiccup was using goes flying. Hiccup then unattached from Toothless and he falls into the air.

"Hiccup!" Merida screamed. Going to fly for him. But then realizing that she needed to stay with Toothless.

Merida takes a deep breath and slides her feet into the feet pedals and starts adjusting them.

Position 4

As Merida adjust the foot pedal, the fin extends and Toothless starts flying again.

"Toothless, we need to get to Hiccup!" Merida and Toothless dive down, adjusting the pedal again. Merida reaches her hand out towards Hiccup.

"A little closer!" Merida then finally caught Hiccups hand.

"Ya think you can handle steering?" Merida yelled out and Hiccup nods.

"Then get on!" Merida pulls him up and slides out of the pedals. Holding onto Hiccup as he slides his feet into the pedal. Toothless falls downwards with his wings extended.

"Hiccup!" Merida screams as she hold onto him even tighter. Hiccup held onto the sheet of paper, but the pressure of the wind restricted him from seeing it.

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