The chosen Viking

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The gronckle flies around the ring. Hiccup hiding behind a small wooden wall, also wearing the Viking helmet. Astrid sits beside him.

"Stay out of my way! Im winning this thing." Astrid shoves Hiccup's shield downwards. Then running off into the battle.

"Good, please, by all means," Hiccup stand up and looks at his father standing outside the ring. He sighs and turns around to the gronckle.

Astrid moves from each small wooden wall.

"This time, this time for sure," Astrid take a deep breath before jumping up and yelling. Charging at the gronckle, only to stop in shock as it was on the ground near Hiccup.

"No! No, son of a half-troll, rat-eating, munge-bucket!" Astrid angrily swings at the air. Hiccup quickly tries to leave but Gobber grabs him with his hook.

"I'm kind of late for..."

"What?! Late for what.. exactly?!" Astrid asked frustratedly. Holding her axe up to Hiccup's face.

"Quiet down! The elder had decided." Stoick changes the subject and the crowd quiets down. Gobber puts his hand over Astrid's head and the elder shakes her head. He then puts it over Hiccups head and points at him.

Gobber congratulates Hiccup as Astrid looks at him with envy.

No, no, no. This was never supposed to happen!

"Yeah. Yes. I can't wait. I am so..."


Merida takes a spike off her tail, putting it on the new given bow. Aiming the bow at the top of the tree, a carefully placed bottle stolen from Vikings on top.

She closes one eye and pulls back the string.

"Leaving, we're leaving!" Merida then suddenly lets go of the string in shock. Despite being distracted she still hits the bottle, sighing and putting her a hand on her knee as she wipes the sweat from her forehead.

Sylvia and Seyphir laying beside Toothless perk their heads up, then standing up.

Hiccup's here. Leaving? Oh no, I can't leave. Great, the boy I was going to confess to today was leaving. Just great.

"Looks like we're taking a little vacation guys, forever," Merida goes to the sound of his voice but hears the sound of someone sharpening something. Toothless comes up from behind her, along with Sylvia and Seyphir. She holds out her hand stopping the three.

As Hiccup opens his bag he looks up at the rock to see Astrid sitting there.

"Uh-ah-um- what are you doing here?" Hiccup stammers.

"I wanna know what's going on. No one just gets as good as you do. Especially you." Astrid walks forward as Hiccup backs. Merida listening to the whole conversation from afar. Sylvia and Seyphir growling.

"Start talking! Are you training with someone?" Astrid asked as Hiccup tries to form sentences.

"Training?" Hiccup stammered.

"It better not involve this," Astrid grabs the saddle on Hiccups back.

"I know this looks really bad, but you see.. this is uh-" just then, a twig snapping can be heard and Astrid drags Hiccup to the ground. Going towards the sound Hiccup acts quickly.

"You're right. You're right. You're right. I'm through with the lies. Uh- I- I've been making outfits. So you got me." Hiccup tries to stop Astrid, Merida hiding behind a rock, ready to attack.

"It's time everyone knew. Drag me back, go ahead. Here we go ow! Why would you do that?!" Hiccup tries to stop her from looking in the direction of Merida and Toothless, but she grabs and twist his arm, making it snap.

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