Savage beasts

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Hiccup wanders through the forest. Mumbling to himself. Frustrated, he smacks a tree branch angrily and he bounces back, smacking him in the face.

"Ow!" Hiccup groans moving out the way.

Just then, he notices a giant broken tree barley hanging onto itself. He travels down the dirt path quickly, seeing the night fury's wings he ducks down. Hiccup peeks back up and slides down and hides behind a rock. He than puts a guy on the dragon proudly.

"I did it? Yes! I did it, I have brought down the mighty bea- ahh!"

Hiccup trails backwards when the dragon moves, hitting his back against the rock. He takes out a small dagger and slowly walks up to it, then making eye contact. The night fury's eyes were sharp ovals. Hiccup stares at the dragon, his gaze softening. He puffs his cheeks out and gestures with his knife.

"I am going to kill you dragon, I'm gonna cut out your heart and-" Hiccup voice was low, but then out of nowhere Sylvia jumps onto Hiccup. She bites and swipes her paws at Hiccup, clawing him and leaving a nasty cut.

Hiccup falls back and holds his hand. He looks up at Sylvia and Seyphir circle him, growling loudly.

Hiccup holds up the dagger shakily at Sylvia. Sylvia paused before walking closer to the dagger, staring right at him. As if a way of saying I dare you to try that.

"Ok, ok, I'll drop it," Hiccup said shakily and threw the dagger.

Sylvia then looked at the dagger and walked over. She picked it up and then walks over to the night fury. Seyphir follows in suit and Sylvia tries sawing the rope with the dagger while Seyphir bites on another rope. Hiccup looks at them confused and then realized that they were trying to set him free.

He gets up and they growl in his way.

"Ok, I'm not gonna hurt him, I don't know what I was thinking before." Hiccup holds up his hand. Sylvia stops and the brings the dagger over to him. Seyphir barks at his sister and she growls in return.

Hiccup then walks up to the dragon and starts cutting him free, but in the meanwhile Merida was walking up to the four.

Merida jumps down from the dirt trail and looks around the rock.

She gasp and run towards Hiccup as he's on the last rope.

"What do you think your doing Viking!" She growls as she grabs his shoulder, extending the spikes from her tail. But, the last rope cuts loose and the night fury jumps up, pushing Merida behind her and landing on top of Hiccup. He roars in Hiccups face and then runs off.

Merida looks at him in shock and then disgust. Hiccup goes to say something but Merida swings her tail, throwing several spikes at him. The spikes only miss him by a few inches. Landing beside his head, arms, and legs.

"Leave," The only thing Merida said as she growled. Hiccup now finally got to get a good look at her as she was closer now.
Her head was full of luscious red curls, visible freckles planted all over her face. She had some scales on her face, as well as some dark spots. Deep ocean blue eyes, staring into his, like giant waves that can drown him at any moment.

Soft markings trailed down her arms, few circles and patterns.

Man, was she pretty. Like, Astrid pretty.

Hiccups face grows red. Merida scoffs and turns away. Wings and a tail. The slit eyes, the markings, she was a half-dragon.

"You're a half-dragon, a real one, really, really, real," Hiccup breathes out, she looks behind her and glances at him.

"I'm Merida, that's who I am," Hiccup nods.

"Oh, Merida, I'm actually surprised you didn't hit me," Hiccup scratches his face. Merida doesn't even focus on him as she realizes that the dragon can't fly. One part of his tail was gone. That stupid Viking, why did he spare him? He can't fly anymore, he lost the will of being free. If I was him, he would be dead. So why didn't he?

"I never miss," Merida said, without looking she swings her tail, launching a spike at a branch, making it fall down and hit Hiccup on the head.

"Ouch!" Hiccup groans, rubbing his head.

"Let's go Syl, Seph,"

He looks up to see Merida take to the sky, following the dragon. Seyphir follows along but Sylvia doesn't follow him. Instead, she goes to grab the dagger he had and brings it to him.

"Huh, you seem to be okay with me, to bad Merida and Seph is not," Hiccup muttered softly. Sylvia gives him a goofy grin with her tounge hanging out to the side. He snickers and pats her on the head.
Sylvia then runs off to follow Seyphir and Merida, leaving a wobbling Hiccup to walk away.


"Seyphir, is something wrong?" Merida kneels down as Seyphir winces as he walks to her. She holds his chin and Seyphir sticks out his tounge, he has a rope burn mark, ouch.

"Oh no, I have to tell mama, but I can't, if I do, i'll get in trouble, but I have to tell her, no I can't, get it together Merida!" Merida paces back and forth hitting her head in frustration. Sylvia comes up beside her and nuzzles her nose under her hand.

"Seph will be okay, I promise, i'll figure out something, I have to." Merida pats Sylvia on the head reassuringly.


had to post this so I could get my Spanish project done. wish me luck

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