Dragon eye

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Gobber struggles to twist the cylinder thing.

"Have you ever seen anything like this Dragon Eye before?" Hiccup asked, Merida perking up at the new name.

"Dragon Eye? How do you know it's called a Dragon Eye?" Tuffnut asked Hiccup, leaning on the wall.

"Because I named it," Hiccup answered.

"Whoa, whoa. Aren't we supposed to vote on stuff like that?" Snotlout put his hands on his hips.

"Fine. All in favour, say "Dragon Eye"

"Dragon Eye" The twins raised their hands.

"Dragon Eye" Astrid and Fishlegs raised their hands.

"Just wanted to make sure we voted," Snotlout muttered.

"Hold up, the judge is deciding," Tuffnut pointed at Merida who was awfully silent.

"Merida, what do you think?" Hiccup and the gang look at her who was holding her chin and tapping her tail.

"That's actually... a good name. I'm up for it, Dragon Eye," Merida raises her hand and the gang looks at her in shock. When Hiccup came up with a name, she never agreed with it, always arguing on better names.

"Man, she actually liked your name. New world record, Hiccup." Tuffnut mentioned.

"Can you open it, Gobber?" Astrid asked Gobber.

"Ha ha! Can I open it? I once opened a 500-year-old giant clam at the bottom of the ocean with my bare hook. Can I open it? Ha!" Gobber goes back to trying to open it but the Dragon Eye wasn't in his hand.

"That's because to open a clam, you use brute force. However, this was man made. It doesn't take rocket science to figure that out." Merida examines the Dragon Eye and twist it softly. It makes a noise before shooting out a dart, hitting Tuffnut in the chest.

"Ugh. What is that? That looks like a-" Tuffnut then passes out. Merida squeaks and hands the Dragon Eye back to Gobber.

"It was all him," Merida pointed at Gobber before shuffling over to Ruffnut.

"Well, that was... something, maybe." Gobber then starts tugging on the Dragon Eye.

"Gobber, maybe you shouldn't-" Hiccup tried to warn Gobber.

"Trust me. I'm—" Gobber then pulls something that releases a green gas. Merida covers herself and Ruffnut with her wings to avoid the gas.

"It's all right, I'm okay. I got hit with something, but now— No, scratch that." Tuffnut smells the gas and falls to the ground. The gang walk up and looks at him twitching on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm probably thinking we should go get Gothi."


Tuffnut hacks until Gothi shoves a bowl of liquid into his mouth. He immediately stops twitching and groans at the taste.

"My teeth are itching. My teeth are itchy." Tuffnut scratches his teeth. Gothi then starts writing in the ground.

"She says that's a good sign. Means it's working." Gobber translates.

"Thank you, Gothi. We really appreciate this." Hiccup walks up to Gothi, thanking her. They then turn to the sound of Gobber hitting the Dragon Eye.

Gothi's eyes widen as she weakly points at the Dragon Eye. She quickly turns around holding onto her staff. Merida notices her actions and then realizes.

She knows about the Dragon Eye.

"Gothi, are you okay? What is it?" Gothi looked around before extending her arm and showing a bite mark. She then walks off.

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