The Beginning

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"Merida, where were you?" I walk into the house and wrap my tail around my legs as I look down. 

Here I was, only late by a few shells, knowing I was about to get the biggest scolding known to Loki. Sylvia and Seyphir stand behind me. 

Mama was a human, papa was like me. I never got to see him, or know what he was like because... Vikings killed him. He gave his own life to save me and mama, I hate vikings, I will never be able to stand them.

"Merida, Merida! I'm talking to you!" I look up at her as she snaps her fingers near my face.

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long mama, we went further than usual," I explain, mama sighs and rubs the side of her head.

"Please, don't let it happen again, I can't lose you too," She lifts my chin up and I smile.

"I promise mama!" My wings puff up along with my ears. She chuckles and goes to grab a bowl.

"Alright, now come eat," She places a wooden bowl of soup on the table. Before sitting down I prepare Sylvia's and Seyphir's food by giving them sheep meat.


After eating I crawl up the stairs to my room. When entering I go to the window and carefully open it up, hoping to not make any creaks. When the window is open wide enough I crawl out onto the rooftop. I peek back down to Sylvia as she was the snitch in the family, I put a finger to my mouth and then pointed at her. She huffs and pouts.

while on the roof I sit and look at the moon. If I howled I would get in trouble, so gotta stay quiet tonight.

Suddenly, a loud ringing flies through my ears as I hear a loud explosion. I cringe and cover my ears. What in the world?

I close my eyes to focus on the directions where the sound was coming from. West, upwards to the North. Far, far on the other side of the island, near the coast. Wait, that's Berk being attacked. Oh, I gotta see this, sorry mama.

I stand up and take to the sky. Before going any further I swoop down to the old man Mildew's house. I then make the spikes on my tail extend before firing them into the house, then blasting it with my hands.

 "You god damn flying lizards!'' I hear him yell from afar. That's exactly why I destroyed his house, for the... I'd say about the 10th time. But, that was my secret to keep.


I fly over and land on one of the Vikings houses, watching the chaos expand.


This, is Berk. It's 12 days North hopeless and  a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of misery. My village, in a word, is "sturdy". It's been here for seven generations. But, every single building is new. We, have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets.

The only problem are the pest...

A sheep is picked up by a dark figure.

You see, most places have mice, or mosquitoes..

A brunette haired boy is seen opening but closing the door just as quick due to the fact that a dragon tried scorching him.


Most people would leave, not us.

The boy continues speaking.

We're Vikings, we have stubbornness issues.

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