Love made me crazy

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"Hiccup?" Hiccup looks towards the window. Seeing Merida he quickly opens it.

"What in the world are you doing here? Your supposed to be in bed!" Hiccup whispered to her.

"You're not going to kill a dragon, right?" Merida crawls into the window.

"What? No, I would never do that!" Merida then let's our a breath relieved. She then hold out her pink finger.

"Promise me you won't hurt that dragon, ok?" Hiccup sighs and entertained his pinky with  Merida's.

"I promise. And please promise me that no matter what, you won't hurt my dad." Merida nods.

"I promise," She then lets go and goes up to the window.

"See you later?" Merida looks back at Hiccup.

"See you later," Hiccup gave Merida a thumbs up and she hops out, stealthily moving from house to house.


The crowd cheers Hiccup's name.

"Well, I can show my face in public again!" Stoick laughs. "If someone had told me that in a few short weeks. Hiccup would go from, well, being, uh, Hiccup, to placing first in dragon training. Well I'd have tied him to a mast and shipped him off to fear he'd gone mad!" The crowd cheers louder.

"And you know it!" Stoick laughs again. "But, here we are. And no is more surprised, or more proud than I am." Stoick finishes. Hiccup looks at the ground anxiously.

"Today, my boy becomes a Viking. Today, he becomes on of us!" The crowd cheers loudly for Hiccup.

"Be careful with that dragon," Astrid comes up from behind Hiccup.

"It's not the dragon I'm worried about."  Hiccup mutters.

"What are you gonna do?" Astrid asked.

"Put an end to this. I have to try. Astrid, if something goes wrong, tell Merida I love her. And make sure they don't find her, or Toothless."

"I will. Just promise that it won't go wrong and you'll come out alive to confess your own feeling to her."

"It's time, Hiccup. Knock'em dead."  Gobber comes around the corner. As Hiccup walks into the arena the crowd grows loud. He nervously looks around and looks at his father. Going over to the weapon board, he picks up a small dagger and a shield.

"I'd have gone for the hammer," Stoick mentioned.

"I'm ready" Hiccup said. As the log slowly raises, a monstrous nightmare flies out the doors, setting them on fire. Crawling up and down the ring, firing at watchers. It looks down at Hiccuo and crawls down, towering over him. Hiccup drops his shield and dagger as the monstrous nightmare sniffs him.

He puts his hand out and Stoick looks at him uneasily. Hiccup then takes off his Viking helmet and tosses it to the side.

"I'm not one of them," Hiccup said, the dragons eye's dilating immediately.

The crowd gasp and whispers among each other.

"Stop the fight!" Stoick ordered, now standing up in his chair.

"No! I need you all to see this." Hiccup slowly raises his hand and the dragon sniffs it. "They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them," The crowd looks at Stoick.

"I said stop the fight!" Stoick gets up angrily and hits the bars on top of the ring. The dragons eyes quickly turn into slits and tries bitting Hiccup. He runs away as the dragon breathes fire, screaming at the top of his lungs.

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