The perfect outpost

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Snotlout and Hiccup yell while running away from a pack of wild boars chasing.

"Let's explore the island on foot. Rest the dragons for the long trip home. I'm a mutton-head!" Snotlout mimics Hiccup's voice. The two then stop before they run over the edge of the cliff.

"Okay, genius. What's our next move?" Snotlout asked Hiccup as the board slowly approached the two.

"Uh, weapons. We need weapons." Snotlout looks around before looking down at Hiccup's prosthetic leg.

"Got one!" Snotlout grabs Hiccup's foot.

"Snotlout, let go!" Hiccup hits Snotlout's helmet.

"What? I called dibs. Gimme!" Snotlout keeps pulling on the prosthetic.

"Get off me!" Hiccup pushes Snotlout off, the board getting closer. As one of the boars try charging them, Merida hops of of Stormfly and tackles the boar. It struggles and slips out of her grip, but she grabs it by the neck with her teeth. Merida bashes it's head on the rock multiple time, the boar still struggling.


Merida snaps it's neck, drawing blood. Astrid fires at the rest, causing them to squeal and flee.

"Okay, so check that island off the list." Hiccup said.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo, this is so exciting. Searching the high seas for an island outpost to call our own." Fishlegs rambles.

"Yeah, I like this idea. Move away from Berk, get my own place, away from you-know-who." Ruffnut looks at Tuffnut.

"Yeah, you're telling me, sister. I am so sick of you-know-who. He never knows when to shut up. I want him out of here." Tuffnut complains.

"Guys, let's focus. We need to find an island that's safe, secure and habitable for both us and the dragons." Hiccup explains.

"Blah, blah, blah. How many times do we have to hear that?" Snotlout complained.

"I'm, until we find what we're looking for." Hiccup explained.

"Merida, that is disgusting!" Snotlout complained, holding his nose. Merida looks at him confused until she looks at the dead boar.

"Well excuse me if I'm hunting to feed two Dire Wolves! I would've gotten more if they didn't run off!" Merida exclaimed.

"Well you could atleast clean the blood off your face." Snotlout pointed at Merida's face. Merida quirks and eyebrow and wipes her face with her finger. She looks at it and noticed there was a lot of blood on her finger.

Merida looks around to see the gang looking at her.

"Is there really that much blood on my face?" They all nod.

"Okay... Let's check this one out. And find somewhere where you can clean your face off. Do not lick it off." Hiccup stops Merida from licking the blood of her finger.

"Not bad, not bad. Lots of fresh water, seems like a plentiful food supply." Hiccup examined the area.

"And lots of cool blue flowers." Tuffnut picks up the blue flowers and sniffs them.

"Wait aren't those—"

"Blue oleander." Fishlegs gasp. "Deadly poisonous to dragons." Ruffnut lets Barf and Belch smell the flowers, but they spark up the area in response.


"Oh, this island is beautiful. I even like those weird dots all over the—" The group travels down to the island full of dots.

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