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The day after freeing the night fury and meeting Merida

Gobber pushes the metal door up to the ring.

"Welcome to dragon training!" Gobber waves his hand around, gesturing to large circle.
"No turning back," Astrid mutters as she walks into the arena, fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

"I hope I get some serious burns!" Tuffnut exclaimed.

"Yeah, I hope I get some serious mauling, like on my shoulder or back." Tuffnut added to his comment.

"Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it," Astrid stops as she puts a hand on her hip.

"No kidding right? Pain, love it," Hiccup appears from behind the group and they all look at him shocked.

"Ah, great, who let him in?" Tuffnut points at Hiccup.

"Let's get started. The recruit who does best will win the honour of killing his first dragon, infront of the entire village!" Gobber points out with the hook on his right hand.

"Hiccup already killed a night fury, soo, does that disqualify him or?" Snotlout said sarcastically. Ruffnut and Tuffnut laugh at his comment.

"Don't worry, your small and weak, that'll make you less of a target," Gobber pats Hiccup on the shoulder as he wraps him arm around him.

"They'll see you as sick or insane and go after the more Viking-like beans instead," Gobber pats him on the shoulder again and let's go of him.

"Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will live to fight," Gobber walks around each cage explaining every dragon.

"The deadly nadder,"

"Speed 8 armour 16" Fishlegs muttered.

"The hideous zipple-back,"

"Plus Eleven stealth times 2," Fishlegs muttered again.

"The monstrous nightmare,"

"Fire power 15,"  Fishlegs muttered, a little louder than last time.

"The terrible terror"

"Attack eight, venom 12,"  Fishlegs said with his normal voice.

"Can you stop that?! And, the gronckle," Gobber reaches to open the door.

"Jaw strength 8," Fishlegs whispers to Hiccup.

"Woah, wait. Aren't you gonna teach us first?" Snotlout took a few steps forward.

"I believe in learning on the job,"  Gobber pushes the lever down, the log on the door goes up and the gronckle comes flying out.

"Today is about survival, if you get blasted. You're dead," Gobber explained.

"Quick, what's the first thing you need?"

"A doctor?" Hiccup said.

"Plus five speed," Fishlegs said.

"A shield!" Astrid yelled.

"Shield, go," Gobber exclaimed and they all ran to grab a shield.

"Your most important equipment is your shield, if you must make a choice between a sword or a shield, choose the shield." As Gobber explains Hiccup tries to pick up his shield. Gobber walks over to Hiccup and helps him pick up his shield, pushing him into battle.

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