Training a dragon

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"Merida, is something troubling you darling?" Merida glances up at her mom as she plays with her food.

"Nop, got no dea what your talkin about mama," Merida continues playing with her food.

"Merida, you can tell me anything, I'm your mother," Merida sighs before pushing her plate away and putting her face into her arms on the table.

"I haven't been telling you where I've been really going for so long,"

"Your hanging out with someone, yes I know," Merida then perks up.

"I have no idea what your talking about. Heh it's not like I know someone, like a boy or anything," Merida plays with her curls as she nervously looks around.

"Sweetheart, from a girl to another, I know exactly what your feeling." She holds Merida's hand.

"Your in love,"

"What? I am not in love-" Merida face gets red as she thinks of Hiccup and what he said.

"A beautiful and memorizing girl like you,"

"Oh, yes you are, i wonder what Viking won your heart," Merida's mom chuckles.

"His name's Hiccup." Merida mutters.

"Hiccup? Well, that's strange, such a funny name. Tell me about him."

"He's nothing like the other Vikings, he's skinny and scrawny." Merida starts.

"He shot down this night fury and I was really mad at him, but he set it free and helped Seyphir with his rope burn." Merida points at Seyphir who nods.

"Really? Is that why Seyphir's been happier?" Merida nods.

"Yeah, we started getting along. He made a fin for Toothless, that's what he named him, horrible name I know." Merida goes on telling about all the things that happened and the things Hiccup did.

"What was the thing that made you fall for him?" Merida looks at her mom.

"Oh, uh, so-yeah!" Merida cleared her throat.

"I had started feeling things when I saw how much Sylvia and Seyphir trusted Hiccup."

"You really love those two. It's hard for them to trust anyone else but you."

"Yeah, so if they trust him, then I should too," Merida hugs Sylvia and Seyphir.

"Although today, we were arguing and play fighting."

"I used to do that with your father before we got together,"

"Then out of nowhere he said, such hurtful words coming from a beautiful and memorizing girl like you." Merida's mom covers her mouth.

"He sounds like such a sweet boy,"

"I know. But, what if he doesn't like me back? I mean, I'm a wild girl who runs with wolves and doesn't care when I get dirty, I don't act like one of those dainty girls. I don't act like any of that!"

"Merida, if he doesn't love you for who you are, than he is not worth it. Don't change yourself for someone who likes you."

Merida's mom gets up and sits on the couch. Merida goes over and sits on the ground, playing with the end of her curls.

Merida's mom brushes her curls gently. Humming a soft song, the same one that Merida hummed to Toothless.

"If the moon could talk to the sun. Would he hate her? Or would he love her? Tell me, lover." Merida smiled. She loved this song.

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