The free deranged

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"Meal time maggots!" The guard

yelled as he passed everyone food, upcoming cages yelling for him to pass them some.

When the Viking makes it to one certain cage, he throws something in that's wrapped in cloth.

"But that's not bread! Why does he always get the special treatment?" The angry Viking come up to the bars, yelling at the guard.

"Oh, Mr. Big Shot! Mr. Berserker Chief." The prisoner mocks. The shadow figure walks toward the other prisoner.

"Oh, hey, you want some?" Dagur goes up to the bar.
"Come here, I'll give you some." Dagur holds his hand out, offering the clothed item. When the prisoner reaches his hand out Dagur grabs his arm and pulls it, making the prisoner bang his face into the bars.

"I've been meaning to tell you something for the last three years. Your voice, is really annoying!" Dagur yanks his arm again, making the prisoner bang his head again, passing out.

"Gosh, that feels good," Dagur mutters, cracking his neck. He opens the cloth and picks up a key inside.

A guard naps but wakes up at the sound of foot steps. Dagur sneaks up from behind and drags him to the ground.

"A woolly igloo? Where'd you hear that?" Two guards talk and laugh together until Dagur knocks their head into the other.

Another guard comes along and tries to warn the others but Dagur smacks him in the face with the club.

"Oh, goody. A a challenge!" Dagur laughs menacingly as several guards run towards him.


Dagur knocks down several guards, the other prisoners cheering him on.

Continuing to beat up guards. He casually walks up to the last one standing at the door, whistling on his way.

"No, no, Dagur, don't! I'm the one who gave you the key." The guard pleaded.

"Which makes you a traitor," Dagur drops the clubs and gut punches the guard. "I hate traitors," Dagur kicked him out the way and opened the door.

"It's a new day, Hiccup. Hope you're well rested." Dagur chuckles before walking down to the docks.


Toothless roars as he and Hiccup zips through the air.

"Okay, bud, let's try the new move." Toothless growls and then dives downwards. He flies up into the clouds, using his wings to give him a boost.

"That's it, Toothless! Push it. You've got it! Climb higher." Hiccup encourages Toothless until he unmatched and started plummeting.

As Hiccup falls, Toothless appears beside him.

"So just plummet, or, uh... any ideas?" Hiccup asked sarcastically. Toothless then flew under Hiccup and catches him.

"I seriously have to get my own pair of wings." Toothless grumbles in response.

"Oh, quiet, you." Toothless then turns around, flying back to Berk.

This is Berk.

Toothless flies over the village.

This is Berk too.

Toothless flies under a unfinished building.

And so is this.

Toothless flies over a giant bowl of fish. A deadly nadder popping it's head out of it.

And this also.

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