Cured pup

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Last night.

"Took my hand and swallowed it whole!" Gobber exclaimed, gesturing to his hand.

"Then I saw the look on his face, I was delicious. He must have passed the word because it wasn't a month till another one of them took my leg." The Teen look at the wooden stick as Gobbers leg.

Fishlegs talks about imagining how if Gobber had telepathic abilities, he could crush the dragon heart from inside.

"I swear I'm so angry right now! I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot. I'll chop off the legs of every dragon I fight. With my face." Snotlout explained while eating his chicken.

"Mh-mh. No, it's the wings and the tails you want. If they can't fly, they can't get away. A downed dragon, is a dead dragon." Hiccup eyes widen at the sudden realization. Gobbers yawns and gets up. Explaining about a monstrous nightmare the teens will fight and also win the honour of killing.

"It's gonna be me, it's my destiny, see." He shows a so called tattoo to the group. Ruffnut mentioning how she has never seen that before.

Meanwhile, Astrid looks at Hiccup who was running down the stairs quickly.

Hiccup sits down at his table, opening his book with the night fury drawing. Recreating the other fun of its tail that he erased.

He spent countless hours hammering, burning, cooling, and connecting, to creat a fin, just like the night fury's.


"Hey, Merida," Hiccup was carrying a giant bucket on his back. Merida looked up to him as she was comforting Seyphir.

"Hiccup! You can back, did you get the medicine?" She jumps over to him.

"Yep, got it right here," He hold outs a bottle.

"Can I see Seyphir?" Mérida nods and carries Seyphir over to Hiccup.

"Can you open wide for me buddy, and stick your tounge out," Seyphir puts his tounge out the best he can.

Hiccup winces at the sight.

"Don't worry, this'll help," Hiccup apply's the medicine on Seyphirs tounge. Seyphir gags for a bit.

"Ah-ah! Don't you dare spit that out, you are gonna keep that on your tongue until your better, you hear me?!" Merida scolds Seyphir as he tries scratching the medicine off his tongue.

Seyphir wines but happily goes over to Hiccup nuzzling his face and licking him.

"Oh, hey! You're supposed to keep it on your tongue, not get it on my face!" Hiccup laughs and pats Seyphir.

They really do trust him.

Her heart rate quickens as she feels butterflies in her stomach.

Should I trust him to? I guess not all Vikings are bad.

"Uh, Hiccup," Hiccup looks up at Merida and her cheeks go red as she hides herself with her wings.

"Thank you," Hiccup face turns a light shade of pink.

"It's- it's no problem," He then gets up and walks over to the night fury.

"Hey toothless,I brought some breakfast, hope your hungry." Hiccup puts the bucket down and kicks it over for a pile of fish to fall out. Merida walks over and grabs one, carefully cutting and dissecting it, she removed the bone and gives the fish to Seyphir.
She then picks one up herself and starts eating it.

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