Gustav the Viking

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Hiccup takes out one of the Dragon eye lenses, blowing on it and clicking it back into place.

"Okay, give me a slow burn, bud." Toothless lights up the Dragon eye, showing the map.

"Okay, I've seen this before, but what happens if I push..." Hiccup pushes one of the buttons on the bottom of the Dragon Eye. It showed a red visual of dragon classes.

"Cool. Dragon classes. What do you say we check out the Night Fury, bud?" Toothless groans.

"Try to contain your excitement, would you?" Toothless makes a chuckling sound.

"Now, Monstrous Nightmare gem plus Night Fury equals.." Hiccuo clicks on the Monstrous Nightmare button and twist the Dragon Eye. "Nothing. Okay." Hiccup holds the Dragon Eye up to the wall but the visual disappears.

Hiccup clicks another button on the Dragon Eye as Astrid comes rushing through the door.

"Oh! Astrid class. Heh heh."

"Hiccup, we have a problem, a huge problem." Astrid said.

"Dagur?" Hiccup asked.

"Worse." Astrid said.

"What could possibly be worse than Dagur?" Just then, FangHook and Gustav crash through the hut, falling on top of Astrid.

"Gustav!" Gustav said.

"Gustav?!" Hiccup repeated shocked.

"Gustav." Astrid said.

"Gustav, what are you doing here?" Hiccup put the Dragon Eye behind him as Gustav walked up to him.

"I—I mean, to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Hiccup tried playing cool.

"Hiccup, did you hear Gustav is.. standing right beside you. Perfect." Snotlout puts on a fake smile.

"You're looking a little different there, Guster." Tuffnut pointed out.

"Yeah, I'm growing a beard." Gustav points at the single hair on his chin.

"Really? Let me see." Tuffnut looks at where Gustav was pointing. "Ha! Even Ruff has more hair on her chinny-chin-chin than that." Tuff plucked the hair.

"Ow! Hey, what's that thing?" Gustav picks up the Dragon Eye and puts it in front of his eye.

"Oh! Whoa! You see these spots? Some sort of sun sword?" Gustav wobbles around.

"I'll take that. No, Gustav, it's not a sun sword." Hiccup hands the Dragon Eye to Fishlegs.

"It's the Dragon Eye, and it's very old and very fragile." Fishlegs explained to the boy.

"Whoa, these spots, they're not going away." Gustav runs into one of Toothless prosthetic tail fins.

"It isn't something to just be touched." Fishlegs stated.

"Relax, Fishlegs, I know what I'm doing." Gustav bumps into another tail fin and knocks all of them down.

"Gustav, Gustav, over here. Uh, when are you leaving?" Snotlout grabbed the boys head, stopping him from moving.

"That's funny, Snotlout, but I'm not leaving. I'm moving here." The twins and Snotlout gasp.

"Ha ha! Yeah, yeah, you are." Tuffnut laughs, slapping his sister's shoulder.

"Imagine.. he would never..wait, he's serious?" Tuffnut realizes. "I'll get the stake and firewood." Tuffnut and Ruffnut begin to leave.

"Oh, hold on, hold on. No one is burning anyone at the stake." Hiccup said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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