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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 1 is here~! Please read my A/N before you read this chapter! I might draw out what you will look like, but you can change the colors, etc. to your liking. Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing, Blood!!

Keys (I'll let ya know new ones when they come up!)
L/n - Last name
H/c - Hair color
E/c - Eye color


My memory is fuzzy...all I remember before everything blacked out was, a blinding pain in the back of my skull and some muffled voices talking about something...a sacrifice? But when I finally came too, my ears were ringing, pain hit my skull where I remember getting hit. I went to rub my head but I couldn't, why? Because it seems whoever hit me, tied me up. I blinked getting my blurry vision to leave and I took notice I was on the ground on my side, the room I was in was dark and all I could see was candle flames burning in a circle -- no wait...was that a pentagram!? I read books about witchcraft, and wiccans but saw cloaked people surrounding the Pentagram chanting in some language.

My heart started to race in fear, I tried to see if I could get out of my restraints but I quickly learned they weren't ropes...they were handcuffs. Tears started to well up. 

'Why did this happen to me? I did nothing wrong! I go to work every day on time. Helped others, had boyfriends but never went far than holding hands. So, why--' I stop my thoughts realizing the reason when someone makes a sacrifice, they always need a pure heart person, especially a virgin...and I'M a fucking virgin!

"Ah, it seems the princess is finally awake~" 

I flinched away from someone's fingers stroking my cheek, I whimpered in fear. That just made him laugh in delight. I look at the cloaked person that is a male by his voice.


He bends down resting his arms on his upper legs, smirking under his hood. I can only see his nose down to his chin.

"Oh, you poor unfortunate soul~ It's hard to find pure-hearted girls and virgins. But when we found you...oh boy, we were estactic~ We can finally summon him! Our master! Diablo himself! He needs a pure soul and a virgin."

"Marcus! Bring the sacrifice! it's time to summon our master." Another male voice called out.

'Marcus' chuckles darkly, smiling creepily at me it reminded me of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"Welp...it's been nice knowing you cutie pie~ Up you go~." He sure was giddy and excitedly while grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet.

"N-no!! Please, stop!!" I cried out in fear as I struggled, even digging my heels into the ground. I knew I was bleeding from the ground cutting up my bare feet, but I didn't care I was in Fight or flight mode.

No matter how loud I was or my begging no one flinched...all they did was look at me like I was some...some excitement for a show or something. It felt wrong. I screamed for help even if I knew no one would save me, I was as good as dead but I won't give up! I have to fight until I die. I was pushed onto my back to the stone-like table I think is meant for sacrifices, since I saw blood stains.

 I felt sick to my stomach, as they pulled my tied wrists above my head, chaining my ankles now. I tugged and struggled as another cloaked person walked over holding a book, wait was that Dante's Inferno? Where the FUCK did they get-- wait it looks ancient...oh no, is that the REAL one!? Oh god, they truly trying to summon Diablo. I sobbed, begging them not to do this as the person under the pure black cloak placed the book onto a stone slab in front of where I was lying.

"Do not fret, child," A female voice spoke. "You have the great honor of being our sacrifice for my master. You're soul will be his, as he will come to this world to clean all disgusting filth on this planet!"

"Please...I...I don't want to die." I whimpered.

She ignored me and started chanting, and the cloaked people around us started to bow, sit up, and bow while chanting. I shifted around, trying to get away but it got way worse when the female at my other side raised a weird blade in her hands.

"Diablo! I'm here to give you this pure soul and virgin! Grant us your wish, and take her blood!"

Pain...burning pain when the blade peirced my stomach, I was in such shock I couldn't scream. I lay there staring into the darkness, tears sliding down my cheek. Not noticing screams and roars. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was a figure, their lips moving staring at me with concern red eyes.

 The last thing I saw before I blacked out was a figure, their lips moving staring at me with concern red eyes

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His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now