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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 8 is here~! Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing, Violence, Blood!!


Screams that's all that I was hearing, and also ringing in my ears. People shouting for their loved ones. I groaned as I placed the palm of my hands on the floor and started to push to get up but...pain from my hips down hit me causing me to scream out in pain falling back down, whimpering in pain. Tears streaming down my face. I slowly turn my head to see a wooden beam from the ceiling of the club place, pinning me to the floor. I sobbed in pain as the pain became so much to me, that I cried out for Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Angel, Niffty, and Alastor.

There was a gentle concern churring making me look up, to see Alastor's shadow. It moved over to the big thick, wooden beam, grabbed it, and was lifting it but pain hit me causing me to scream begging the shadow to stop. I whimpered shaking from the pain, I felt a cold hand touching my cheek. I open my eyes tears streaming down my face.

"G-go find...f-find Al o-or Charlie and the others...p-please," I gasped out, my vision started having black dots covering the corners of my vision.

Alastor's shadow is gone, most likely to find Alastor or the others. I lay on the floor in pain, trying to think of something to get my mind off the pain and how cold I was feeling. I hope the others are okay, especially Husk and Angel they were close to me when an explosion hit the building. Then suddenly my mind went to Lucifer, and fear started to spread through my soul. If I die I want him to be here, and I want to tell him how much he means to me and how much I lo--

"Lexi! Oh no..."

I weakly lift my head smiling through the pain, it was Charlie and the others but no Alastor yet. His shadow came out of the floor churring softly.

"G-good job, Sh-shadow...y-you found them."

"Fuck, we gotta lift that beam off her now!" Husk shouts getting everyone's attention, they nod.

"N-no! Don't!" I cried out to them, frantic.

They stopped frowning looking confused. 

"Alastor's shadow tried that, b-but pain hits my hips down," I told them and whimpered as I moved and a shot of pain went up my body.

"Toots..." I smiled happy to see Angel, he looked okay just dirty and slightly bleeding from small cuts.

"I'm so glad...you and Husk are okay, I knew V-Vaggie would keep Charlie safe...b-but since you two were the closest to me I-I was so worried you two were badly hurt." I choke up on a sob.


Angel went down on his knees placing his top right hand on my back, while Husk stood on my other side.

"We have to move the beam though, if it stays any longer it'll cause more damage." Vaggie points out.

I knew she was right...I was just so scared, last time I was injured was being stabbed by some cultist psychos wanting to summon Diablo but got his son Dante.

"Lexi..." I look at Charlie looking down at me with worry. "I know it'll be painful, but you hang in there okay? My dad will be here, I called him about what happened. Can you endure the pain for now?"

My lips trembled, but I had to stay strong push the pain aside, and think only of something that makes me happy.

"I-I understand. Please do it."

She nods, and Husk, Alastor's shadow, Niffty being small still helped with the lifting of the beam. Vaggie and Charlie joined in lifting the beam, Angel held my hands in his top hands talking to me making me focus on other things until the pain hit me causing me to cry out.

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