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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 12 is here~! Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing!!


It was a hectic five days, ever since I found out someone poisoned me Alastor was NOT pleased and had to leave to go on a killing spree to calm himself down. Lucifer stayed by my side, and everywhere I wanted. He still keeps apologizing for avoiding me, I already forgave him but he can't forgive himself. Vaggie and Charlie are looking into the demon poison that someone slipped into my meal that day-- My eyes widen remembering the look the waiter had when he placed my plate down for me.

"Luci!" I shouted out surprising Lucifer who was showing me new rubber ducks he made, to suddenly drop them to the floor, eyes rounded.

"Wh-what? You didn't like that one?" he pouts.

Rolling my eyes, smiling patting his thigh since he's sitting on my right side.

"I love it, but it's not that! I just remembered something that day when I ate that poison! The waiter...the waiter looks so guilty. I thought nothing of it at the time, but now I thought about it...I think someone paid him or he was forced into putting the poison in my food."

He started frowning at each word I said, then his eyes glowed red as he growled lowly.

"Do you remember what that demon looks like, darlin'..."

I blink, blushing and screaming internally cause seeing him so angry...it kind of hot. I nodded nervously. He snapped his fingers making a pencil and sketchbook in hand, then held it out to me making me confused.

"Can you be able to sketch him out for me dear?"

"Oh, um...s-sure. I'm not good at drawing, but I'll do my best." Smiling shyly.

I grabbed the pencil and sketchbook, then opened the sketchbook and started sketching out the face of the male demon the best I could. When I finished it, I gave it one last look making sure I got all the details I could remember, nodding to myself I held it out to Lucifer who took it and looked at it. I notice his eye twitch, and he grips the sketchbook he looked pissed.

"Luci...? Are you...okay?"

His anger calmed down. He breathed out, placing the sketchbook aside grabbing both of my hands in his, staring right into my eyes with a stern look.

"Darlin'...are you SURE that's what the demon waiter that poisoned your food?"

I nodded "Yeah, I can't forget that day no matter what I do..." I murmured as I looked down sadly, staring at my pale, scared, and UGLY legs. I decided to wear shorts...bad idea, I love wearing shorts but now...I can't bear to stare at my disgusting legs.

I shut my eyes as tears slid down my face, trying so hard not to cry. I felt Lucifer let my hands go and felt his warm hand grab my chin and lift my head. I open my eyes, lips trembling to see his worried face, which held such care and softness.

"Lexi...There's nothing I could do to help you, if there was a way to restore your legs I would find out so I can just see your smile again...so I can dance with you once more."

I furrow my brows, why does he care so much for me? Is the soulmate bond causing him to care so much for me? If so I can't allow him to do anything! I can't give him all of me, because he won't truly feel how much I want him, need him, and how much...how much I love him and not because of this silly soulmate crap. I shake my head quickly pushing his hands from me seeing hurt on his face, I wanted to grab his hand and apologize but I held back. I'll just ruin his life...I'm a cripple, weak mortal that's going to die because of this demon poison.

His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now