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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 13 is here~! Srry for not updating I was overwhelmed about...things. But, I would like to thank Pokecats649 for the suggestion of a male name and demon species :3 Thx~! Enjoy!

Warning!! Swearing!!


Days went by as Vaggie contacted that demon, and she informed me his name was Max and he was a dog demon. He deals with making antidotes to any kind of poison known to humans, angels, and demons. But he will be having difficulty since it's my blood with the poison, so it'll take a long time to make one or even if there was a way to make one. I'm okay...for now, I'll die someday but just the thought of dying slowly and painfully terrifies me. Dying in other ways still terrifies me, I want to die on my grounds and Lucifer's bitch of an ex-wife is so fucking jealous that Lucifer is finally moving on from the pain and grief she put him through and Charlie too. Lucifer does his best to cheer me up, by making new rubber duck themed after anything and everything. 

"Oh, oh! Love, look! This one looks like you~!" I blink, smiling seeing the child-like shine in his eyes as he held out his new rubber duck, which surprisingly did look like me. I snorted taking it out of his hands in mine looking at it.

"Wow, it does look like me...but did you have to put the wig on it? It's silly...but adorable." I chuckled.

He pouts "It looks magnificent though!"

I laughed softly and made the rubber ducky version of me kiss his lips smiling with mischief in my eyes. His cheeks turn brighter than those cute round rosy cheeks he and Charlie have. He waves his hand, I'm confused but curious as to what he is doi-- Oh, he just made a new rubber duck but of himself as one. And it was my turn to blush because he did the same thing I did, he made Rubber Duck Luci kiss my lips.

"N-not fair!" I puff my cheeks and hide the flustered look on my face.

He raises his brow, then smirks "Fair? Darlin', you did the same thing to me, so I returned the gesture~"

Rolling my eyes, making rubber duck me kissing his rosy cheek.

He lowered his eyelids halfway, while I smiled innocently.

"Oi, don't think your acting innocent will get you to win this game, darlin'."

My smile widens tilting my head still acting innocently "What ever do you mean, my rubber duck King~? All I'm doing is kissing, my handsome...strong...devilish King~" I made rubber duck me kiss him at each word complementing him, causing his cheeks to turn crimson red, purring leaning closer to his face, so my warm breath hitting his lips and my free hand flat against his chest as I felt his body shudder at my touch.


"Yes, my King~?" I said softly, making my lips touch his but not fully kissing him.

Yes, I'm teasing the King of Hell...so what? He's my soulmate, he's mine, and I'm his. And it's fun to see him blush, it's so cute seeing Lucifer of all people get flustered but It decided to bite me in the ass, cause Lucifer is straddling my hips pinning my wrists above my head.

"L-Luci," I squeaked out, now it was my turn to be flustered! Damn...but he sure is hot when he's dominating me.

"That's not very nice of you, darlin'~." He purrs out as his eyes start to glow, and his smile widens.

"Oh~? Does that mean you'll punish me~?" I purred back, eyelids half-closed staring up at his glowing red eyes with a smile.

"Oh, you'll be punished alright love~." 

His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now