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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 17 is here~! I'm going to start to put 'Your POV' instead of 'Alexis's POV' The song she sings, and is above is from the anime Gundam Seed, and Lacus sings it (I love her two songs.) Enjoy!

Warning!! Swearing!!


Alastor's POV (Lord help me...xD)

After my dear niece and Lucifer left, my smile tightened as I sensed the others were about to walk away but I slammed my cane's bottom end on the floor and my black tentacles came from the floor wrapped around everyone, set for Husk and Niffty who I snapped to the couch safely.

"Wh-what the hell!?"

"Al! What are you doing!?"

"Let us go, you Radio shit lord!!" 

I twirled my cane as I turned around walking around the three struggling against my tentacles, to Husk and Niffty. I could tell they knew not to cross me right now, I was enraged but to my dear niece's request, I would not kill these fools.

"Al!! Why are you doing this?"

My ears flick towards Charlie when she speaks, I grip my cane tightly, and with a tight smile, I turn around as my eyes glow a deep red.

"Why? My dear Charlie, I think you should know 'why'~." I said as I walked over pinched her cheeks roughly making her flench...good.

"Hey! Get your fucking hands off, Charlie!!" Vaggie shouts baring her teeth at me like a tiger.

It was very amusing to hear and see. I let Charlie's cheek go and turned around hands behind my back, walking to the stairs but stopped.

"Al...why are ya doing this? Does it have to do with the kid?" my good dear friend Husker suddenly spoke, getting everyone's attention.

"...Correct. It comes to my attention, that three sinners in this hotel are causing my dear niece to suffer."

"Well, she should have never used violence! Charlie wants no bloodshed!"


I turn into my true demon form hovering over the three terrified demons, and black tar slides down from my mouth, and my voice is distorted.

"You have no right!! She was defending herself!! You weren't there in my office just minutes ago!! You didn't see a young woman break down crying, realizing she just almost took her own life!!" I roared out, then I turned back to normal.

"Wh-what...i-is that true, Al?" Charlie spoke softly, voice wavering.

I felt pleased seeing the looks of horror, and guilt flash through their eyes. I snap my fingers once more as a screen appears behind me, I step aside as what took place in my office along with the audio is on. What Alexis and I talked about and how she burst out crying, telling me everything. I snap my fingers, making it disappear facing the three with my hands behind my back. 

"Now...you three better apologize to Alexis. She can't handle it. You should invite them both back tomorrow to do so...I promised my dear Niece not to harm a hair on your heads, because she still cares for you all...it is beyond me why she still considers you all her friends. All she cared about was your feelings, Charlie, she didn't want to come because she thought she would cause nothing but trouble for you..."

Charlie was silent, and Vaggie looked guilty, along with Angel.

"Now, that's over with. I'm heading off to do my broadcast."

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