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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 15 is here~! Enjoy!

Warning!! Swearing, Violence, Blood!!


Last time on 'His Soulmate'!

"No...freaking...way. Does that TV freak own food too? This is utterly ridiculous." I murmured in disbelief at this.

"Oh my~ It's the human. Are you here alone, sweetheart?"

I jolted, feeling the shudder of how the voice sounded so seductive, purring trying to sound sexy. Why do I have a feeling I have to throw hands soon?


I move my wheelchair around looking up to see a tall moth demon smoking. And the smoke is a pink color? I started to cough when he leans down blowing the pink shit in my face...rude much!? I waved my hand to get rid of the pink smoke, glaring at the moth dick.

"Not to sound rude, sir but...can you NOT blow smoke in my face?" I coughed again brushing away the rest of the pink smoke, thank god.

He chuckles I grow annoyed, and my eye twitched when he suddenly grabbed my cheek and pinched it shaking it in a cooing way...is this jerk seriously doing a granny move on me!? I am right...I'mma be throwing hands on this bitch.

"My, my~ You have such fire in you, sweetheart~." He coos letting my cheek go, I scowled leaning back away from him while rubbing my cheek he pinched rudely. "But I heard from my Voxy that there was a human living in Hell. And I of course wanted to see for myself."

I narrow my eyelids some "Well, you've seen me, now shoo! I'm shopping with a friend, and you're ruining my space bubble, SIR." 

He frowns not liking how I'm being rude to him, well he was rude first. So he can shove that up his ass. He narrows his eyes behind those ridiculous heart-shaped pink sunglasses. I kept my glare at him when he slammed his hands onto my wheelchair armrest, making me pull my arms away to my chest.

"You have some mouth on you, sweetheart. How about I teach you a lesson, you bitch." He growls out.

"Val, what is taking you so lo--" I turn my eyes behind the moth demon to see that TV dick and he shoves his claw finger at me as he shakes in rage. "YOU!"

I smirk waving mockingly at him, which pissed him off.

"Well if it isn't the TV dick, come back for more?"

"Y-you bitch!" His face screen started to glitch out, until that moth jerk left my space bubble, thank god! To calm him down, it's cute seeing more same-gender relationships but they are meant for each other... they are both jerks and love to get in people's space bubbles.

"Now, now Voxy~ Calm yourself, don't want to have another blackout in Hell." The moth demon soothes his rage.

He calmed down fixing his suit, glaring at me while I smiled smugly at him.

"Thanks, Val. Where's that Radio freak at this time, hm? He left you here alone, to deal with the demons? HAHA!"

My eye twitches as he insults my uncle, I lean forward.

"Come a little closer, Voxfuck and we'll see how high you can sing."

His eye twitches remembering what I did most likely, I hope I made him fear me a bit if not...well I'm fucked until Angel returns.

I hear the moth demon named Val snort and chuckle, getting Vox to glare at him.

"Why the FUCK are you laughing, huh!?"

His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now