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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 2 is here~! I'm surprised people like this story owo Yay~ Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing, Blood!!


Pain...that's what I felt, and arms holding me. And I heard a male voice telling me to hang on then nothing. My eyes fluttered open, blinking until my vision cleared I pushed myself up but cried out in pain falling back with arms wrapped around my stomach whimpering. Tears slide down my face, the pain...I never had any broken bones, shot at, or stabbed in my life! Maybe Paper cuts, or animal scratches, so this pain was new and the pain is painful. I clenched my teeth trying to push the pain away. I suddenly heard rapid footsteps coming close to where I was, and I realized I was in some royal room but dark-themed. The door burst open, and a guy who looked handsome but I noticed he had horns that stuck out but it wraps around his head, he had messy black spiky hair with red eyes that reminded me of the face I saw before I fainted.

"Thank Lucifer you're awake, you must be in pain." He walks over as I flinch, and he stops realizing I was frightened. He huffs. "There's no reason to be frightened towards me, I may be that fuckers son but I'm not like him."

I blink in surprise and confusion, who does he mean?

"U-um...who are you? A-and am I dead?"

He snorts, walking over "Nope, well you almost did but I'm glad I got to you in time to save you. But it seems your soul belongs to me, now." He bluntly said, my jaw dropped. "Oh, and my name is Dante."

"Wh-what!?" I squeaked out in shock and horror. "Y-you're a demon!? A-and you have my soul!?"

He shrugs and folds his arms "Yep. I have no need for your soul, but I can't give it back since I was summoned -- even though they were expecting my old man, they didn't read the damn book correctly. Imbecile's lot of them, but there is one demon that can help you, unfortunately,  he's in Hell, and...you have to live with him until you die, then you can live in Hell for eternity~ isn't that awesome?" I blankly looked at him as he said all that with such enthusiasm.

My mind was going wild right now, I couldn't quite process what he just told me. I was most likely going to live out the rest of my human existence in Hell of all places, and when I die I'll turn into a demon and I have to live with this demon Dante is talking about for eternity. I snap out of the shock.

"So...my soul is damned to Hell no matter what I do..."

"Yep." He said happily...wow, dude thanks for thinking of my feelings...jerk.

"So...who is this demon I'll be living the rest of my eternity with," I grumbled sitting up careful of my wound.

"His name is Lucifer Morningstar, and he's the King of Hell," he patted her head smiling widely, while my eyes rounded in shock then to horror.

"I'm going to live with the King of Hell!!?" I shout hands slapped against my cheeks in horror.

He snorts and folds his arms "Luci isn't that bad, in fact, he's a goof who loves to create rubber ducks."

"...I...ugh, whatever just...take me there."

"Oh, you will just need to rest one more day here in the human world before heading to Hell to meet Luci."

"Huh? Why is that?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

"Humans can't breathe Hell's air without a certain item or the demon who has their soul."

"Huh? But you have my soul though--"

"I'm not from Hell darlin', I'm only half human and half demon. I live in the human world, while my old man owns the Underworld that holds all the souls that die in Heaven, Hell, or on Earth. Just not the souls that made deals with demons, those souls are inside the demons -- who are the dealmakers. So rest up sweetheart, tomorrow early morning we'll be going to Hell~. I'll make dinner." 

His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now