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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 6 is here~! Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing!!


Last Time on 'His Soulmate'!

"Okay! Since I came up with this trust exercise idea, I'll be first~ So I'll pick my lovely girlfriend, Vaggie~"

Vaggie groans silently, but to make sure she stays happy she and her pick a song they both like and they start singing a lovely song. The next person to go up was Angel, he dragged poor Husk and ended up singing a song Husk was okay with a song Angel picked after many attempts of not trying to strangle the spider pornstar. Then it was Alexis's turn, she was standing on the stage looking at each person looking at Lucifer smiling and her smiling at him caused him to blush. She was going to pick him up when a new person showed up one hand behind his back while the other hand holding a cane with a microphone on top.

Alexis blinked looking around hearing static and feeling it in the area, but shrugged smiling kindly, and waved at the new demon in red for some reason she thought he looked familiar but she pushed it aside for now.


"Al! You made it just in time~! Oh! And the human came with my dad, her name is Alexis L/n. She's going to pick one of us to do a duet song with~." Charlie introduced her to the red deer demon, named Alastor.

Alexis being nice said hi to him, as he stared at her with a creepy smile that reached his red eyes. She felt nervous around him, but she stayed smiling and kind.

"Hii~ You must be Alastor, the Radio demon right?"

She held her hand out to him to shake, he looked at her hand smiling wider grabbing her hand and shaking it.

"My my~ It's very rare to see a human in Hell~ Very interesting indeedy it is," She blinked in surprise at his voice had a radio static filter, it made her intrigued how he did that.

"Wow...how did you get your voice to sound like that? It's so cool~! Can I do that too!? Luci! When I die and become a demon can I do that cool radio filter voice too!?" She asked the King of Hell all giddy, everyone's jaws dropped (Alastor kept his smile, it twitched in surprise) Lucifer gasped in horror.

"No! It's not cool, it's annoying as fuck!" Lucifer shrieked out in horror at her words.

She chuckles "Joking joking~ But your static like radio filter voice sounds wicked cool, Alastor. Now I think I should pick someone to sing a duet with me--"

"Allow me, my dear, ~" She blinked taken aback when Alastor appeared at her right side, leaning down smiling widely hand over his chest, and his other hand behind his back. "I'm curious about your singing voice. If you allow me darlin'."

She was surprised, even if she wanted to sing a duet with Lucifer but she wanted to be kind so she accepted not seeing the fuming Lucifer, Charlie was trying to calm him down while both looking down at a digital screen of all songs. It was difficult at first until he told her what kind of songs he prefers, he likes jazz-like songs when a song hit her that she enjoyed listening to as a child thanks to her dad who was originally from New Orleans and moved away when he was 20.

"Hmm, what about this song Al? Is it close to a jazz song?" She points to the song.

"Hmmm..." he leans down looking at the title, his smile widens even more in delight. "Wonderful song choice my dear! In fact, this song deserves a good performance."

His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now