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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 7 is here~! Just to let everyone know...Alexis/you won't have any crushing or love towards Alastor, there is a reason why, and if you read this chapter and figure out why I say this? You'll know why. Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing!!


It's the second day, and I just love hanging with Angel and sometimes Charlie and Vaggie. Lucifer thought sadly before he could join in Charlie's new trust exercise Lucifer had to deal with an issue that called his attention so he trusted Charlie and her friends to keep me safe. So I was excited sitting between Alastor and Husk on the couch, Angel was sitting on Husk's other side on the couch's armrest. Niffty is on Alastors other side on the armrest, while Charlie and Vaggie stood in front of us with the board of ideas they all did and some ideas for future exercises.

"Okay, I thought it'd be fun since my dad and Alexis will be leaving tomorrow morning I thought we do something fun~"

"Sweet!" Angel smiles, I wonder what we'll be doing this time?

Charlie's smile widens "Since everyone has been doing such a good job, and Angel hasn't used any uh drugs for three days so, this is also meant to congrats to him and for Alexis. So you two can come up with something we all can do today."

Angel smirks while I look at her surprised, I yelp when I am picked up by Angel.

"We'll be right back ladies and gents~" He went over to the bar placing me on a barstool. "Okay, toots we should do origy~"

I blink, baffled shaking my head folding my arms frowning "Uh, no thanks. I'm not a sex-crazy type of gal, and...I'm a virgin, I'm waiting for that special someone." I murmured at the last part blushing it got worse when I suddenly thought of Lucifer.

I heard him snort "Your a fucking virgin? Damn...very well, what is your idea of fun?"

I smiled widely "It's either a club where we can dance and eat, or go to a beach?"

"Hmm..." He was in thought then smiled, and grabbed my hand dragging me back to face Charlie. "We both decided on a club to get wasted and dance to our heart's content~"

She beams at us both "What an amazing idea, Angel, Alexis! Okay, everyone! Get ready, and we'll leave for the best club in Hell~!

Everyone but me went off to their room, I cursed under my breath I didn't bring any good outfit for a club place.

"What seems to be the matter, my dear?" A familiar radio filter voice enters my ears.

I looked up to see Alastor standing in front of me, leaning down tilting his head smiling widely.

"Oh, I thought everyone went to their rooms to get ready?"

He chuckles holds his hand out to me and I place my hand in his, he pulls me up on my feet letting my hand go to put his hands behind his back.

"I'm always ready, darlin'. But you, seem to have a problem, hm~?"

I huff, pouting "It's just, that I have no clothes for a club, AND don't forget I'm human...I rather not be demon chow." I pointed out to him folding my arms, frowning sadly.

What I didn't notice was the frown on Alastor's face, but smiles more when I look at him.

"No worries my dear! While his 'majesty' is away I shall protect you in his place~ And for an outfit here's a little gift from me to you deary~"

He snaps his fingers and I gasp softly my outfit changed to a dress. {Her/your outfit is below, you can change the color~.|


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His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now