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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 10 is here~! I need all my Sinners reading this help! In the future Alexis/you will most likely die BUT I won't say it's not happening yet, I won't spoil it but which demon do you think she/you will be? For me she would be a ladybug, cause she brings warmth, light, and good luck to others, so it reminded me of Alexis *shrugs* but I would love to see my lovely reader's demon characters, good OR bad if I like any of them I'll add them and you will get credited and a shout out~. The image above does not belong to me! Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing!!


Yeah, so since I had a meltdown Alastor my uncle but the only family I have by blood, and Angel brought me back to the Hotel but before that, I wrote a note and hand it to Henry to give to Lucifer when he ever notices and wanted to talk since I expect a HUGE fucking apology for leaving me alone...again! He was glad I didn't have the meltdown on him, cause I would kick his ass. Charlie was happy to see me when Alastor snapped us all back into the lobby and explaine to Charlie that I needed to get away for my...mental state.

She was okay with it like Alastor told Angel back in my bedroom at Lucifer. My smile twitched and faltered a bit, but I kept my smile as Charlie animatedly expressed her desire to come up with ideas for their trust exercise. I miss him...is it because of this stupid soulmate thing? It's agonizing being away from him, it's been a whole damn month without him. I kept a smile on my face, laughing and acting like my normal self but...deep down I was longing for him, I miss him so much. I'm saddened by the fact he hasn't even come by to talk it out, is he scared? Is he worried I hate him? No matter how much I want to hate him, I can't stay mad at him for too long.

That's when it hit me all at once, making me sit up straighter instead of slouching on the couch between Husk and Angel, my wheelchair is folded behind the couch, eyes widening feeling my heart flutter, my cheeks getting hot.

'I love him...I...I love, Luci!' I thought in shock, then excitement causing my lips to smile widely.

"Kitten? You...okay? Yours starting to smile like Smiles, and it's fucking creeping us out."

I blinked and snapped out of my thoughts to take notice of everyone staring, Alastor was smiling widely looking proud clearly over his face making me chuckle.

"Sorry, guys. I just realized something and I couldn't help but smile~ Cause, I'm never dressed without one~"

"Indeedy!" Everyone but Charlie groans, she looks giddy clapping her hands.

"I know what we can do today!" She looked like she was holding all the power to hold back a squeal, making me laugh it was adorable. This month made me closer to Charlie, she was like a daughter I hoped to have one day if I ever found someone, to marry and have a child with that special someone.

Smiling and encouraging her warmly "Don't keep us waiting, hun tell us~" I used my own giddiness, it just added more fire to her excitement.

"Since the last thing didn't end off well..." She trails off at the end, frowning then she brings her smile back to her face. "But this time, it'll be perfect!"

"Enough already, toots!" Angel whines, falling right onto my lap making me laugh while he smirks, I chuckle softly stroking his hair as Charlie pouts. "Just spit it out."

She huffs then smiles brightly again "Why not have a slumber party? I hear in the human world, it brings friends together and they have so much fun it brings everyone together~!"

Angel perks up sitting up causing me to blink at his sudden action, I smile seeing Angel's face beaming.

"Seriously!? Can I set it up, toots!?"

His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now