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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 11 is here~! The art above does NOT belong to me! Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing!!


Alastor and I finished finishing up the snacks, I placed some of the bowls and plates on my lap. I also didn't realize I took that book with me that happened earlier. Alastor laughed when I told him that we took the book, he told me demons steal all the time so it was no worries. I shrugged and I was happy to read it when I was bored. Alastor pushed me to the room Angel set up which was the room where we all did the talking of the trust exercise, Alastor had his shadow carry the rest of the snacks.

When we saw everyone there wearing cute matching PJs, Niffty quickly rushed over to Alastor and me, while bringing the bowls and plates to the table she set out for us. Alastor being a cool uncle snapped his fingers and both he and I were wearing matching pjs. {The image below is yours/Alexis and the others will be wearing, you can change the colors and change the pants to shorts if you want.}

I thank him happily as he pushes me to where Angel is, fixing up the many pillows and blankets in front of the screen TV, my eye twitching remembering about that TV demon jerk

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I thank him happily as he pushes me to where Angel is, fixing up the many pillows and blankets in front of the screen TV, my eye twitching remembering about that TV demon jerk. Alastor of course was annoyed we'd be watching TV, but he didn't say anything else he knew we'd have to watch movies because it was part of the trust exercise. Alastor picked me up and sat me down on one of the many fluffy pillows and blankets, making his shadow appear to keep me sitting up. I thanked the shadow with a smile, it churred happily.

Everyone gathered in their spot, Alastor decided to summon a chair behind everyone instead of joining in the fluffy pillow and blankets. Angel picked the first movie, which was surprisingly a good movie with no sex in it, which was very surprising. Then he got to pick the next person to pick a movie after Angel's movie finished, and he picked Husk who grumbled looking through the stacks of DVDs until he picked an action movie.

Next Day
9:22 AM

Alastor woke me up, while the others slept and snapped us into his Radio studio that he connected to the Hotel. Showing me all the buttons, and what each one did, and after that he even allowed me to push the button when he was on the air. I had so much fun when I pushed a button as he gestured to it, a wave of nausea hit me but I pushed through the feeling. I didn't want to ruin Alastor's work. So when he said goodbye to all the sinners listening, he hit the off-the-air button.

"A-Al..." I murmured gripping the armrest on my wheelchair.

He tilts his head smiling widely at me, but his smile falters.

"Dear? You okay? You look flush, pale as a ghost I must say."

I swallowed harshly "I-I think I'm going to vomit...n-need a bucket or something to throw up in." I shook, feeling a headache smacking into my skull as this feeling of puking came fast.

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