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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 16 is here~! I made the chapter a bit longer~ Enjoy!

Warning!! Swearing, and talking/thoughts/attempted suicide!!


This week has NOT been on my side. At. All. Why you ask? First I tried texting Charlie, to apologize but it seems Vaggie got a hold of her hellphone, and told me not to text Charlie. What the actual FUCK!? Charlie and Vaggie is that upset with me for defending myself against a cunt like Val? Especially what he does to Angel? Oh, and Angel kind of replies to me, but when he replies it's an image of him flipping me off. I'm pissed, so when he sent another image of him flipping me off, I yelled out in rage and toss the damn thing across mine and Lucifer's bedroom.

The only people who still even bother to talk to me are Husk, Niffty (I sometimes wonder about what's going on in her mind.) my uncle Alastor, and of course my soulmate, Lucifer. He does his best to comfort me, it's sweet but I just want to be alone he's persistent and I adore him for that. I place my arms over my eyes, mentally exhausted. I was angery, but now it's all gone and in its place is sadness. I look at Charlie like she was my own, and now she doesn't even want to speak to me and lets Vaggie speak for her, Angel hates me because I ruin his life even more for what I did to Val.

They shouldn't even bother saving me, maybe I should let this poison slowly kill me...no one wouldn't care if I just... disappeared, right...? And even if I DID kill myself or died I'd just end up a demon and still in Hell, but at least I would be able to walk, but every time I tried to end it, my hands would freeze up holding my dagger Lucifer brought back and made sure he cleaned it of Val's blood. So When I start thinking of ending it, I would take it out on my pillow... Lucifer always asks me with concern on his face, why I stabbed the fuck out of my pillow. I just told him I was frustrated and mad about the whole being ignored by Angel sending me pictures of him flipping me off...which is half true.

Henry always brings me food when Lucifer can't make it for lunch or dinner, that evil paperwork he has to sign before the end of this month or he'll have heads rolling. It's from all of the royal demons and other demons like him, they called the seven deadly sins my Lucifer is the King of them all 'Pride' like I can see that, he's a very prideful demon.

I jump, push my upper body up with my arms keeping me up staring eyes wide at Lucifer panting, when he bursts through our bedroom door smiling so big it was blinding me for a second.

"L-Luci? Why did you--" 

"No time! I have to help you get dressed!"

I furrow my brows as he starts digging through our closet tossing out clothes, mumbling out 'Nuh-uh', or 'No, too short'.

"Babe!!" I raised my voice, after many times calling his name and it was irritating to me he wasn't hearing me.

He jumps whirls around eyes wide then he smiles sheepishly as I give him 'the' look, as I narrow my eyelids a bit.

"S-sorry, my love. I-I just was so excited~ Charlie invited us to the Hotel. They're doing a party. So, here I am trying to doll my lovely, and beautiful soulmate in her best outfit." He told me, with such sparkle in his eyes.

I wanted to tell him 'Hell no!' but, he looked so excited AND I couldn't stop him from seeing his daughter, that would be cruel of me and I'm not like that at all. I guess I would have to go, 'cause if I say I don't he'll ask me questions and I didn't want to cause him trouble, and stay home with me that will break Charlie's heart after she finally spends time with her father after so long. I put up a fake smile, as he showed me three choices. 

His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now