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Here's my second attempt in an x Fem!Reader story~ But for Hazbin Hotel and not 7DS~. Srry if it's not any good, it's okay if you don't like it. Also if you still want to read this even if you are not female that's fine, just replace the, 'she/her' with 'they/them' or 'he/him' whichever you prefer ^^ It's just easy for me to use a female xD When there is death, violence, or other things I will put a warning before the chapter starts, so please read it before you go any further! 

I know I have other stories, and I will update them but for rn, I'm in a Hazbin Hotel high! owo' I must read and work on my HH stories EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! ahem, srry. Also, I made Lucifer slightly taller since you are human and he's a demon so he should be slightly taller, but he's still a short King from the other demons in Hell. Also, the female reader (you) will have a name, you don't have to use the name, just replace it with YOUR name, I just feel lazy in putting Y/n all the time. Also, some things in this story will be incorrect, mostly I made it up to fit with this idea of mine. owo 

If you have questions please comment, I'll try my best to answer ya. I'm not very good at explaining certain things, so if I don't make sense of something let me know, please. I'll try to fix it. Also, Grammarly loves to autocorrect some words even if they are NOT wrong it changes them to what it THINKS I'm trying to say *facepalms* if I make any mistakes please point out the misspelled words to me, so I can fix them, cause sometimes I reread my chapters a bit fast, my mind is slow but my eyes read fast if that makes sense? xD If you want me to do something in the story, I MIGHT do it but only if it will fit with the story/idea/plot I have in mind~

Now, ur name in this fem!reader story is Alexis, you have a full first name but reasons I won't say (spoilers~) but you can make up your last name, hair length, hair color, eye colors, and skin color. Just remember, the title His Soulmate has a reason to be called that, I'm a huge romantic so I love working on stories with soulmates and shizz lol So I will mostly make things up and put in the original ways that I think happen, etc. Also, Alexis/you are in your 20s So, further ado, please enjoy reading this story~


His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now