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Me: Hiii~ Chapter 4 is here~! Enjoy~

Warning!! Swearing!!


After Lucifer told me about him being my soulmate, everything changed. Lucifer kept me company, showing me around his palace, and showing me baby pictures of his daughter! His 'daughter'! She was a cute baby~ Adorable, I was so jealous he had a daughter. I always dreamed of having my own child when I was old enough, but I can't cause of two things 1. I don't have a partner, and 2. I can't raise a baby all by myself, I have no one to help me. He told me her name is Charlotte, but she prefers Charlie now and she owns a hotel to redeem sinners.

I was confused, demons can be redeemed? I was baffled, I asked him once 'Why give those sinners a second chance?' And all he could give me was a shrug and said 'I don't know, my dear. But I truthfully had the same mindset as my daughter, but I was sent to Hell because of this idea to redeem the sinner's souls.' I grew upset when he told me that was the reason why God -- his fucking DAD sent him down in Hell being banished from his home, just because he wanted to help these souls. I could tell it still haunts him, and he always grew worried about his daughter because look where it got him for trying to help redeem sinners.

I knew right at that moment, I knew what I wanted to do to return his kindness for protecting me, and he found a way to rid of this soulmate thing that connects our souls. Truthfully, lately, when I'm with him and he's showing me more of his rubber duck collections I can't help but feel safe, and warm but I kept brushing it aside each time I felt it.

That was two weeks ago. I was in his office reading a book on his couch while he was working on signing paperwork, I kept looking over the book I was reading to see him looking tired...and stressed. I frowned behind the book in worry, my heart and soul ached to see him so...distraught so tired, and overwhelmed. I closed the book placed it on the couch beside me, stood up, walked over behind his chair, and placed my hands on his shoulder to massage his tense shoulders.

"Stop tensing up, Luci. There you go~ Just sit back, and relax while I massage these knots~" I chirped brightly, as I smiled in victory as he let out a sigh of relief and he was putty in my hands. I snorted softly. 

"Damn...Alexis, my dear you have...magic fingers," He slightly moans, not in that sex pleasure way, hell no. It's a moan of relief of tension muscles relaxing.

I chuckled at his choice of words "Thanks, Luci~ You know...when I would massage my mom's and dad's shoulders or backs, they would instantly tell me I have magic fingers because they would instantly melt. Like you are now~." I told him cheerfully, remembering those days.

"Mmm...I think I may have to keep you as my personal massager~ Wait...d-did you call me 'Luci'?"

I blink realizing I did call him 'Luci'! Blushing look down at him as he looks up with awe and curiosity in his red eyes.

"S-sorry, It was a slip of the tongue!" I squeaked out pulling my hands away but he snatched them, placing them back on his shoulders, giving me a serious look making me gulp.

"Don't stop, Lexi...please."

When he called me 'Lexi' so many emotions were going through me, happiness, excitement, and so much more. But I did listen and kept massaging his shoulders, he was instantly melting in his chair making me snort and then laugh softly at his behavior it was cute-- My eyes widened almost stopping, but I kept massaging his shoulder and started to frantically think to myself.

'Oh. My. God!! Did I just THINK that!? This is crazy...! This is the soulmate thing, it's making me feel this way I gotta stop thinking of him like that!' I scolded myself, but I knew deep down...I was starting to fall for him, but is it this soulmate bond? Is he...feeling the same way as me?

His Soulmate Lucifer x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now